T W E L V E 🌸

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J o r d a n . H a r r i s 👑

It had been three weeks since I've seen or spoken to Delilah. I missed her like crazy, but she seemed dead set on whatever she was saying about not wanting our situation to go on any longer.

So I left her alone.

Since then neither of us have tried to contact the other. I've been focused on work seeing that I didn't have her to spend time with anymore.

I've gotten a lot of shit done with the extra time on my hands but I missed my shorty. I shook the thoughts from my head and continued getting dressed to head out. It was Friday night and I wanted to get some drinks.

I heard a knock on my front door and headed downstairs to see who it was. They person knocked again and I looked out of the peephole to see that it was Chanel.

I kissed my teeth and opened the door. She stood there with her hand on her hip, smirking at me.

"Hey baby. What's good?" She asked me, stepping around me and walking into my house. "You called?"

"I called you yesterday Chanel why you now showin' up?" I asked her as I shut the door.

I already called someone else when I realized she wasn't gonna come over yesterday, so she wasn't of any use anymore.

"I'm here now. Lemme make up for yesterday." She smirked coming closer to me, lifting my t shirt and kissing my neck. "And the past couple months that lil girl had your attention."

I didn't say anything as she got down on her knees, tugged my pants down and began to pleasure me.

Finally after an hour I left my house and started driving in the direction of the club. Matthew had called and told me that he was there along with some of the other men that work with us, so I decided to join them.

On entering the club I could see that it was filled to capacity. There were people everywhere, even the VIP section seemed to be crammed.

I walked over to where the men were in VIP and dapped everyone before taking a seat on one of the barstools. I ordered a couple drinks and sat back listening to everyone else talk to one another.

It's not that I wasn't included in the conversation, I was, it's just that for some reason Delilah wouldn't get out my head.

Matthew came and sat near me and gave me a strange look. "What?" I asked over the music.

"You spoke to Delilah?" He asked me and I shook me head, downing another shot. "You didn't hear what happened to her?"

"What happened?" I asked him, instantly becoming worrisome.

"Man, her pops robbed his dealer- they caught up with him and shot him while he was on his way back home. Delilah found him in the car while she was coming from the store."

"What the fuck? When did that happen?" I asked him. I hadn't heard anything about it or anything. Delilah must've been devastated. He hurt her, but he was the only person she had left.

"Some time last week bro. I can't believe you didn't hear nothing 'bout it. I found out after the funeral, I went to her house to check on her and she was a mess."

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