T W E N T Y 🌸

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I was terrified. My heart was honestly racing the entire time I'd been out. My anxiety shot through the roof the moment Mercedes and I left home.

Jordan had taken me to pick some clothes up at home, and after he dropped me back off at his house, he left for work or whatever. He wasn't supposed to be back until later tonight, and it's only after five so I didn't know why I was so jumpy.

Mercedes and I left home about a half hour ago and we're sitting in Pizza Hut. "Girl if you don't relax. Jordan is nothing to be worried about."

"Girl." I said in a warning tone, shaking my head slowly, "He's a problem." I mumbled, chewing on a cinnamon breadstick.

"Good problem or bad problem?" She asked me with a smirk.

"Sis if you're asking if we're fucking, then no. We are not having sex."

"What you mean?" Mercedes gasped dramatically and I wanted to hit her across the head. I laughed and she leaned in closer to me, "Jordan Harris?"

"Is it really that surprising?"

"Um yes. He's one of the most known men in the city, he's handsome and he has money. Every time I heard his name prior to your relationship, it's been associated with a female or sex." She paused, "Or drugs."

"Well... we haven't done anything yet." I mumbled as I started on my pizza. "Except that one time."

"That one time what?"

"He gave me head." I said and she let out another huge gasp, and started flopping her hands around, hitting me in the process.

"Stop lying!"

"I'm not." I laughed.

"How was it? How did it go down? He ate the box huh?!" She asked like an idiot.

"Girl it was so good." I whined, "I didn't think it would've been so damn good. But that wasn't enough sis I'm ready to pounce on 'dat."

"Pounce then."

"He won't let me." I groaned, "He keep telling me I'm not ready."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, "I hate that."

"Me too but whatever. What about you? You been busy?"

"I wish." She laughed, "I have no man, and the men over there are pure garbage."

"Poor thing. I wish you and Devyn had worked out man I really liked him for you."

"I liked him for me too." She sulked with a small shrug. "Anyway, so Jayden?"


When I got home, thankfully Jordan still wasn't back yet. It was about to be midnight and my ass was starving again. Looking across the bed, I could see Mercedes still knocked out cold, so I crawled out of the bed to go make myself something to eat.

Before heading downstairs, I opened Jordan's bedroom door to see if he returned or not. He hasn't. I wasn't worried about him because he could hold his own, but he could've at least called and said something.

Mentally rolling my eyes, I continued to walk into the kitchen.

There was so much food in the house, but I was so hungry and the quickest thing I could whip up was cereal. So I did just that. I heard the front door open and shut, then the locks snapped. I knew it had to be Jordan. My back faced the kitchen entrance, so I didn't see him when he came into the room, but I heard his heavy footsteps.

"What you doin up red?" He asked me, tossing the keys onto the kitchen island as I took another spoonful of cinnamon toast crunch into my mouth.

"I was hungry." I whined as he came up behind me, pressing himself against my ass and wrapping his arms around my waist. He placed his head in the crook of my neck and I couldn't help the smile that creeped its way onto my lips.

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