T E N 🌸

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Today was the day Mercedes moved away. The two weeks flew quick as hell, last night I almost had a mental breakdown because I hadn't noticed it was already time for sis to leave.

We spend a lot of time together, but no amount of time is enough when it comes to my best friend.

I sat on her bed, watching intently as she tossed clothing into her suitcase. I didn't want anything more than for her to tackle me and tell me she was just joking, but I knew better.

I rolled my eyes and stood up, walking towards the mirror to look at myself. I was dressed in a light brown champion sweatsuit and my white high top air forces, looking like a whole bum, but in my defence I felt like one today too.

"You really don't gotta go Mercedes." I said for the third time in the past hour.

"I'll be back Lilah. I promise I promise." She reassured me, for the sixth time in the past hour.

"Yeah but who ima talk to?" I asked her with a pout as I turned to look at her. I've really trying to play off the whole situation like it wasn't bothering me for the past couple weeks, but I didn't know if I could anymore. The more I thought about it, the more it hurt me.

Mercedes was the only friend I've had since i started school. I'm positive most of the people at our school have never seen one of us without the other. I never made an attempt to make friends with anyone else, and neither has she.

I think we were too caught up in each other for that.

She was my sister.

"Are you gonna cry Delilah? Please don't cry!" She yelled, running towards me and wrapping her arms firmly around my shoulders. I didn't even realize that the tears building up in my eyes had fallen onto my face until a huge sob escaped my lips. "I'm sorry baby." She cooed as she stroked my hair which had shockingly remained straightened, now held in a ponytail.

"You know you can call me if you need me. You know I'll fly back out here for you." She said to me, her voice cracking. "I'll miss you so much."

"I hate you for leaving." I lied, hugging her tightly.

"I love you Lilah."

I laid in bed, drowning in my sweatsuit as well as the heavy thick comforter around my body. I stared up in the ceiling thinking about literally nothing.

My mind was blank.

"Aye. You don't hear me talking to you?"

I kissed my teeth and instead of answering verbally, I shifted my position to where I now laid on my stomach. "Don't make me raise my voice."

"Why are you talking to me?" I fussed at Jordan.

"I'm tryna figure out why yo' slick ass thought you could lie to me."

"I don't know what you talking about, and I don't wanna know. I told you I was just coming over here to relax and you keep tryna talk to me." I said, kissing my teeth once more.

"I'm not bout to play with you Delilah." He said louder, and I could hear him approaching the bed. I didn't answer him, and the next thing I knew, I was jumping at the sudden sound of his loud voice. "Aye! Why you ain't called the school lil girl?!"

My eyes immediately widened for a nanosecond before I shut them completely. "Not now Jordan."

"Now Delilah. What the fuck is that about? What I told you?"

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