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"Jordan." I cried as soon as he picked up the phone. It was 3AM the day after the party, and I hadn't slept a wink.

"Wassup mama? Something wrong?" He asked me. I could hear the sleep in his voice and instantly felt bad for waking him, but I wanted to hear his voice.

"No. I just miss you." I laughed, wiping my nose. I know I was being a crybaby. Did I care? Not at all.

"Damn Dede. Why are you awake right now?" He asked,

"I couldn't sleep." I sniffled.

"Delilah please stop crying. Come on baby." He pleaded with me. "You want me to come home?"

"No," I answered quickly. I don't think it was safe for him to get back yet, and I wasn't selfish enough to summon him knowing that. "Not yet."

"You wanna come see me then? You want me to send you a ticket?"

"I don't know Jordan I got school. And the store." I sighed.

"I'll ask mama to take care of the store, and bring ya laptop and books. We'll do your assignments." He said to me. "Come on I'll get you flewed out." He joked and I tried to stifle a laugh. "Aight?"

"Okay." I gave in.

"Are you happy with the baby's gender D?"

"I am." I smiled, "I know you're excited."

"Hell yeah I am. I told you I was finna get a girl." He bust out laughing, "Go to sleep mami. Pack ya clothes when you wake up. I'll send you all the information."

"Okay. Goodnight."

"Goodnight baby."


2 Days Later

Jordan failed to mention to me that he bought plane tickets for all his friends and mine. Before I could even finish loading my stuff into the car this morning, Matthew, Jayden, Kayla, Zara, Mercedes and her lil boo Cameron pulled up on me talking bout some "let's go".

But honestly I'm grateful for the company.

Our flight was at seven, so we were supposed to get to Jamaica at around 10:30. I was so excited to see my man y'all... although that's not even my man. I sat in the row next to Kayla and Matthew, between them to be exact. I was so thankful that they weren't all PDAish like the other couples.

The flight was smooth and quick and in no time we were in the airport going through customs and then heading out to see Jordan. I walked behind everybody, dragging my hand luggage behind me while Jayden carried my other bag. I heard them all exclaim and I knew they'd seen Jordan.

There was a brief pause while everyone greeted him, I felt like I was in line waiting to meet a celebrity or some shit. Finally I spotted him, dressed in all black. A black polo and black sweatpants.


He smirked at me and held his arms out for me. I wrapped my little arms around his body and he did the same, giving me a tight hug. "I missed yo ass so much and I jut saw you the other day." He mumbled close to my ear.

"I missed you too." I said honestly. I didn't even wanna let go of him.

"Let's go mama its a car waiting on us outside." He took my bag and held my hand as he led me outside. There were two vehicles out there, and we got into the one with Mercedes and her man.

Jordan and I were up under each other the entire drive to his place. He told me that he had now been staying at a beach house, so we had enough room for everyone. How this nigga ballin' in a whole other country too?

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