S E V E N T E E N 🌸

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I couldn't breathe. I had no clue where I was because I was drugged and knocked out for the better part of the ride here.

When I finally woke up I didn't know how long I was out for. It was pitch black in the room they put me in. I couldn't see anything, not even when my eyes adjusted to the darkness.

My hands ached from being bound together for such a long period, and my throat felt dry and coarse. I have never been so scared in my entire life. I had no clue what was going on or who took me, better yet why they took me.

The only thing on my mind was Jordan. Surely he knows somethings wrong. Right?

Tears came to my eyes at the thought of me possibly not getting out of here. "Lucky!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Lucky where the fuck are you?! Where am I?!" My voice broke.

No response, except my echo.

I groaned in aggravation and allowed the tears to flow from my eyes. I lifted both my hands and wiped my hair out of my face as I sat on the hard cold ground. I reached down to touch my feet which were now bare.

They really ghosted my shoes.

I kissed my teeth and tried prying myself into a standing position. Finally after fumbling a bit, I stood up and started walking in no particular direction. I held my hands out before me just in case I walked into something. I heard something that sounded like a lock unsnapping, and a heavy door handle turned.

My heart immediately began racing, and on impact and took off running, hands still out, until I approached a corner where I stood, looking on as a big door opened.

Light slowly creeped into the room, and the man that stood in the doorway looked to be a tall bulky bald man. He looked around for a minute before reaching outside and switching the light on. I felt like my eyes had been on fire. I wanted to scream as my hands flew up to protect my eyes from the beams of the light bulb.

"Ah. There she is." The man spoke, I heard his footsteps approaching me and I visibly shuddered, hoping he didn't touch me. "The famous Delilah Montez. Girlfriend of the infamous Jordan Ace Harris." He chuckled deeply.

I slowly moved my hands from my face, and came face to face with the man that brought me here. I stood at about 6'5, bald headed, and dressed formally in an all black suit as though he didn't have had entire hostage in holding.

He chuckled again as I scoped him out, "Hello Miss Montez. My name is Joaquin, you may have heard my alias before. Everyone calls me Fredo."

J o r d a n . H a r r i s 👑

I didn't know where the fuck Delilah was, or what happened, but my heart was telling me something's wrong.

She's stubborn as hell, never listens to me, but she isn't stupid enough to run off. It's now Saturday and I haven't heard anything from her since I dropped her off at school on Thursday. If I didn't find her by tonight I was going to raise hell.

Everybody would feel it.

Matthew and some of the other guys had been helping me look for her, with no luck.

Of course we couldn't tell the police anything. I was almost positive this had something to do with Fredo. I had no problem killing everybody in my way when it came to Delilah.

My mother and brother has been staying with me since the incident. I didn't want either of them on their own, knowing what this nigga is capable of.

Today I was gonna drive to the other side of town to see Fredo's family. I just wanted to talk. When I was done getting dressed I headed out, not speaking a word to mama or Jayden. I really hadn't done much talking, or eating even. It was still dark outside seeing that it was only 5 in the morning.

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