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J o r d a n . H a r r i s 👑

I rolled over in bed, initially planning to go back to sleep since it was my birthday and I didn't see any purpose in being up early. The other side of the bed was cold and empty, and I noticed Delilah wasn't in it with me.

I picked up my phone to see what time it was, and saw that it was almost nine AM. Before I rested my phone back down I decided to check my messages to see who had wished me a happy birthday.

Matthew 🗣: Happy birthday Ace ☝️ you already know wassup. When you get back its finna be crazy! Say hey to De for me. enjoy man

Jayden ♾: Happy bday nigggggg yo old ass!!! Love you always bro

Jerm ❤: Happy birthday big little bro. Proud of u & the man u are, as u know. Keep doing great things love u

Chanel: Hbd zaddy 😻 heard ur out the country...... u should hmu when u get back im in town for a few wks

I kissed my teeth and bypassed Chanel's text, replying to all others. Her messy ass done got me in a bunch of trouble before, I'm not about to welcome her back into my life.

Delilah strolled out of the bathroom looking like hell, I didn't know if it was because of how the dawg put it down on her last night or if she wasn't feeling well.

She was wearing only one of my t shirts. Her hair was messy and all over her head, her nose and ears were red and her eyes were running. "What happened?" I asked her, holding my arms upwards for her to come and lay on me.

She sniffled and took the bait, coming to straddle me and lay her head on my chest. I could feel her little baby bump poking me in my stomach. It was still fairly little but you could feel and see the difference.

Her face was becoming chubbier and she was more emotional and clingy as the days passed. Which I absolutely loved.

"I hate this morning sickness nonsense." She cried. "This baby hates me."

I couldn't help my laughed, because she was sobbing for absolutely no reason. I placed kisses on her head and rubbed her back as we laid. "I should've used a condom?"

"You should've been careful." She cried and I laughed, shaking the entire bed. Delilah kissed her teeth and began laughing a little as well.

"You smell like throw up and sex."

"You smell like weed and sex." She said and rolled off of me. "I'm gonna take a shower. Could you order room service? I want stir fried noodles and chicken."

"For breakfast?"

"I'm pregnant."

"I have so much planned for you today." Delilah mumbled, holding my hand as we walked out of the hotel. She looked so good today in her all red. I could sit and watch her all day if she'd let me.

 I could sit and watch her all day if she'd let me

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