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Jordan left two days ago, and I cried buckets. I wanna blame my pregnancy hormones but I knew damn well I missed my man (who's not my man).

Its his damn fault for having sex with me anyway.

I pouted and shut my computer down, putting it away. The store had been a bit busy today so I didn't get to do a lot of work for school.

Which through me so far off, but I knew I could always get it done later on when I got home. I paced the floor and interacted with the customers as much as I could, cashed out a few items and went back to my seat.

This child was exhausting ya girl.

I was ready to go home and it had only been one in the afternoon. I was missing all the fun because all my friends had made themselves busy, planning my gender reveal party. At first I was all for having a gender reveal separate from my baby shower, just because Jordan insisted and he wanted to pay for it all, but I'm so tired now that I don't wanna have either.

Especially not without Jordan here.

Yesterday Jerminny finally went to the hospital and she's been in labour for three hours now. The baby isn't here just yet, but Jayden and his mama are there keeping her company and as soon as I get out of here I'm going to her.

I was just counting down the hours, honestly.

My day dragged and in what felt like twelve hours, it was finally closing time. I dialed Jordan's number and he kept me company as I drove to the hospital.

"I'm scared what if I get there and hear her screaming? Ima be so discouraged to have this baby." I complained.

"That's why I told yo ass not to go in the first place."

"Yeah but I got to. That's my sis."

"Aight ma. Whatever. You still miss me or nah?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes.

"Nope. You miss me?" I asked as I parked at the hospital.

"Hell yeah. I wish you flew back with the dawg. I'm tryna be laying all up under you and ya fat self."

"You calling me fat like you're not the one that made me this way." I pulled a capri sun from my bag and began sipping on it.

"Whatever D. You there?"

"Yeah I'm out in the parking lot. I'm so tired. I feel like I ran a marathon." I ranted. I sighed heavily and finally got out of the car to start my journey to the waiting room. "Lemme call you back when I get upstairs."

"What you finna do?" He asked.

"Call Jayden. I'll be five minutes."

"Aight." I hung up and dialed Jayden's number quickly. He picked up after one ring and offered to meet me on the ground floor of the hospital since there wasn't much going on right now.

As promised, when I entered through the doors, he stood there. He was clad in an Adidas tracksuit and looked exhausted, like he had been the one in labour.

Niggas are so extra, I cannot.

"What's up?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"Big head ass baby ain't tryna come out man. They done induced her labour and that lil girl is doing the most. I'm ready to go home." Jayden ranted and I kissed my teeth.

"You and ya brother are the worst." I mumbled. "I want something from the vending machine."

"Shit me too. Get me some chips ahoy." Jayden went towards the bathroom and I approached the vending. I purchased two packs of chips ahoy, some oreos and a pack of lays.

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