T H I R T E E N 🌸

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D e l i l a h . M o n t e z 🥀

I lay stretched out across the leather couch in my cousin's hair salon. Usually he place was ram cram but for some reason there were only a couple customers in the shop.

I've been here for about a week- not in the shop, obviously, but sleeping at Dawn's house.

She's my mother's cousin, so my second cousin. We never really kept in contact although she and her kids lived so close to us, but welcomed me in without any hesitation when she heard about dad's death.

I'm still not ready to talk about that whole situation, or think about it, so I shook the thought from my head.

I discarded my phone a couple days ago, not to seem ungrateful but I was tired of people trying to get a hold of me. I had dozens of missed calls from Mercedes, Matthew, even some family that was distant, but I guess wanted to check up on me after dad died.

I looked on as Dawn finished braiding one of her customers hair. "You hungry Dede?" Dawn asked me and I shook my head in response.

I haven't been eating a lot lately, barely even talking. I was hurt about the fact that my dad was killed, but I think what hurt me the most was knowing I don't have either of my parents around.

I laid there for a couple more hours, just looking as customers walked in and out of the salon. I looked up at the clock above Dawn's head and saw that it was almost five in the evening. I stood up and dragged myself over to the other end of the shop slowly, to get to the back room.

I heard the bell over the door ring, indicating that someone had came into the salon. Followed by jumbled murmuring. "Dede!" Dawn yelled behind me, she sounded so excited. Before I could turn around, she yelled, "Yo lil friend here to see ya."

I kissed my teeth and turned around to see what she was talking about. As I did, I made eye contact with the one, the only, Jordan.

He looked angry and sympathetic all at once, how he did it I had no clue.

We stared at each other for what seemed like hours before he opened his mouth, "We gotta talk."

I looked to Dawn to see her fiending over him, as well as her clients looking him up and down and whispering.

I couldn't blame them. He looked damn good.

Made me realize how much I missed him and his comfort when I was going through all this shit. He was dressed casually in a pair of short gray sweatpants, a white t shirt and black vapor max plus. The tattoos on his sleeves were on show as well as what looked to be a new one he got on his calf.

"Take him in the back if you want." Dawn said loudly. I didn't even know if I wanted to talk to this nigga.

I turned around and opened the door that lead to the room Dawn rested in on her breaks. I allowed Jordan to walk in before me, as he did, never breaking eye contact with me which made my heart race.

I shut and locked the door and turned around to look at him awkwardly. I rubbed my arms, not knowing what to do. "Where the fuck is your phone Delilah?" He asked me.

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