T W O 🌸

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1. Strange, unusual, rare; unfamiliar; marvellous, wondrous.

I frowned in annoyance as I tried to solve an equation for my Econ class. I was spending the weekend at Mercedes' house, and I wanted to finish all my homework early because I knew once I was staying over here, we'd only actually be in the house for a couple hours a day, tops.

Today we were going to a hairdresser in the Bronx so Mercedes can do her hair. I think I'm more excited than her, but only because I know what black people are capable of.

But before we went there, she had to go drop some things off for her brother. When I was done with my homework I went to take a shower and changed into a white Jordan t shirt, black Jordan sweatpants and my red, white and black 3s.

I tossed my hair into a bun and I was ready. "Why you always gotta dress like you a man?" Mercedes asked standing up from her bed and putting her leather backpack on, as I did the same with mine.

"You stay minding my business sis. You need to work on that." I said to her and walked out of the room ahead of her. When I stepped foot in the living room, I was greeted by Mercedes' mom, Mrs. Victoria.

"Hey mom." I cheesed as she hugged me tightly.

"Hello beautiful. How are you?" She asked rubbing my back.

"Tired." I joked and she laughed. "Cedes and I are about to head out."

"Oh where are you girls going?" She asked looking between her daughter and I.

I looked back at Mercedes, wondering if she told her mom she was going to dye her hair. We exchanged a look before I turned back to Mrs. Good. "Oh we're just going to the mall a little. Plus, she has to drop something off for Matthew."

"Oh okay. Well you girls be safe. Would you guys be back in time for dinner?" She asked and Mercedes nodded, "Your dad and I are expected to go out tonight so you should order something or buy something on the way."

"Okay mom." She said and went over to kiss her mother before we left. We got into her car and rested our bags in the backseat as we started our drive to Mercedes' brother Matthew's house.

He lived in the opposite direction of the way we were going, and it was a fifteen-minute drive to his house. When we got there, there were two cars parked out front. Matthew's black Range Rover and another black BMW. "You coming out?" Mercedes asked me as she parked the car and I shook my head.

"Nah. If you stay longer than five minutes ima bust in." I joked and she rolled her eyes, picking up a plastic bag from the backseat and entering the house without knocking.

As promised, five minutes passed and I decided to go into the house. The front door was already opened so I just walked in. Matthew was sitting in the recliner watching TV as Mercedes talked to him, and there was another dude sat in there, but I couldn't see his face because his back was facing me.

"Wassup Delilah." Matthew asked, taking notice of me. He had a bright smile. I hadn't seen him in the longest, seeing that he was always working. He was part of a gang, and of course it required him to be working at the craziest of times. But he was cool.

"Hey Matt." I smiled and walked further into the living room.

The other boy drew his attention to me, and finally I could see his face. He turned around with a neutral expression, but his face seemed to have softened when he looked at me. What the hell was that?

He looked like a cleaner, more mature version of Chris Brown. He had light brown, basically caramel skin, short curly hair, dark brown eyes and pink lips. He seemed to have dimples as well, and a strong jawbone.

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