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My face went wet, which immediately woke me up from my nap. The plan was to rest my eyes for ten minutes this afternoon, but from the looks of it I'd been out for a couple hours.

"Girl." I whined, looking at my little sister who stood on the floor near my bed, staring into my eyes. Her mouth was wide open and pressed flush against my cheek.

"Yaya." She cooed, kissing my cheek and rubbing her little hands on my nose. I could tell she was trying to say "Lilah" but my baby couldn't pronounce the letter "L".

I laughed and picked her up, placing her to sit on my chest. I wiped her spitty mouth before placing a kiss on both her chubby cheeks.

I decided to come crash at my mom's place after the party last night. I was being petty and refusing to stay at Jordan's place.

She giggled and returned the favour, making me laugh. Ava and our ten year old brother, Angelo, both looked exactly alike. They were both chubby and had big innocent eyes. The only difference was a slight tint in Ava's complexion, most likely it was because she had a different father than we did.

Angelo on the ither hand, was the splitting image of me. Looking at him was like looking in a mirror. Mama and daddy literally had the same kid twice.

I picked my pumpkin up and held her on my hip so we could walk downstairs. I saw that it was almost eight which should mean dinners ready, and ya girl is starving so I ain't made no detours on my way to the kitchen.

"Hey baby." I smiled at my little brother who was laying across the couch. I joined him and allowed my three year old Ava to go her own way.

I was kinda skeptical about coming here, for the simple fact that I was still somewhat mad at my mom.

I'd spent a night or two over here in the past couple months but never long periods of time, so this was new.

She was excited about me being here, and so were my siblings. And if I'm being completely honest, it isn't as bad as I would've thought. I actually kind of missed it. It's also nice being around kids for a change.

As I relaxed on the couch, watching Phineas and Ferb with Angelo, Jordan crossed my mind. It has been twenty four hours and I miss him already. I honestly did, but he has me all the way fucked up.

I couldn't believe he would cheat on me, regardless of him saying that he didn't, I find it hard to believe that he did it in the short period of time that we weren't talking.

Worse yet, he potentially got her pregnant.

Worst yet, it's the same bitch that was on his front step acting a fool for no reason.

I wanted to beat his ass.

But overall I was hurt as a bitch. He really played the playa, y'all.

He'd been calling my phone non-stop so I switched it off, only to hear my mama's phone ringing, not even a minute later. It was a foreign area code and when she picked up, it was Jordan asking to speak to me.

His ass could never let me have my space.

I kissed my teeth and forced the thought out of my head. I got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen. My mama was standing over the stove, stirring the pot.


"Hey girl." She smiled at me. I sat near the counter and just stared as she cooked. The food smelled damn good too. "You slept all day, I know you not sleepin' tonight. You finally gon talk to that boy?"

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