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I'm about to skip ahead some 🥴 hope y'all won't be mad, but sis really needs to finish school at this point lmao

2 M o n t h s L a t e r

D e l i l a h . M o n t e z 🥀

"I don't even wanna go." I mumbled to Mercedes over the phone. I was walking through the mall and everywhere I looked I could see prom dresses.

My mindset would've probably been different if my best friend was still gonna graduate with me, or I had a man at school to go with, but Jordan's old ass wasn't going to no high school prom with me.

"You are so boring Lilah! You need to go! Take your new friends from the college tour."

I ignored her statement, "Anyway. When are you coming to see me?"

"I don't know girl. I wanted to visit for summer but it doesn't seem very likely. Hey I gotta go sis, I'll call you later stay safe, love you."

"Love you." I hung up the phone and skipped a little to catch up with Jordan. "Finally. I thought she was talking yo ear off damn."

"You out of pocket." I laughed and locked our fingers together.

"Whatever girl. You hungry?"

"Yes and I want Five Guys." I cheesed and he nodded. "Mercedes is tryna talk me into going to prom."

"You goin'?" He asked me as we headed to the food court. His mom was sat somewhere in there waiting on us. The only reason we came to the mall was for her to get some shopping done.

"Y'all both stay trying to embarrass me. You know I don't have no friends." I rolled my eyes.

"What about ya lil friends from the university? Y'all got that group chat or whatever."

"Yeah but they got their own prom. I'm not bout to invite them to mine." I mumbled, "Plus we're already having a whole grad party separate from everybody else's. I don't wanna take them away."

"Take Jayden."

"Take Jayden where?" Khari asked as we approached her in the middle of the food court.

"To my prom, and no thanks Jordan. Jayden talks too much."

"You ain't never lied." He mumbled, "I'm gon order aight."

"Why don't you take Jordan then Delilah?" Khari asked me and I shrugged a little.

"I don't wanna bother him with kid stuff." I mumbled.

"Girl, that boy would be so happy to go just because you'll be there. Ask him. He doesn't care about the things you think he does." She said and I just nodded slightly, "Plus it's around the time he gets back from Cuba."

"Huh?" I asked, a little confused. Who's going to Cuba?

"He gets back from Cuba two days before your prom, that's what he said to me."

"Yeah but when's he going to Cuba?" Her eyes widened slightly and I could tell her tongue had slipped, or she thought her idiot son told me he was leaving the country.

"Please don't say anything, I could've sworn he'd told you."

I was really angry but I kept my composure. I didn't want Jordan's mom knowing my ass was completely crazy. I kept my bottom lip tucked my my mouth and nodded. "But when's he going?"

"Tomorrow night baby."

I can't believe this dog was about to leave the country for a week and not say anything. And on the night of my graduation too.

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