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Three Months Later.

I sat in Khari's backyard with Jayden and Jerminny while Jordan and their mom were inside talking. Wynter was in her bouncer and Genesis was in hers and they were both being entertained by class clowns, Mylz and Ava.

"Girl I'm tired of being in this house, can we go somewhere?" Jerminny asked me, fanning herself.

"I'm sayin'. I haven't been out in the longest."

"Y'all are old as hell with kids so I don't know what all that shit y'all talkin' is about." Jayden said under his breath and I mugged him. He was acting like we weren't the same damn age just because I had a baby.

"I think you out of fuckin' place with yo invalid lookin' ass." Jerminny said to him and I pursed my lips to keep from laughing.

Not having a comeback, he instead mimicked her. "What is mama and that boy talking about so long inside there?"

"Right?" Jerminny agreed with him.

"They probably planning my birthday party. But I don't know why D is out here chillin'. You supposed to be in there planning too since I carried yo whole gender reveal party on my back." Jayden said to me and I kissed my teeth.

"Jayden ima ignore you for my sanity."

The three of us spoke for a while longer before Jordan and Khari came out back to meet us. "Wassup gang?" Jordan said, dapping his siblings, the kids and myself.

"What was y'all discussin'?" Jerminny asked him and he kissed his teeth.

"Mind ya business." He said, picking up Genesis and kissing her about her face.

"Definitely my birthday." Jayden shrugged.

Khari kissed her teeth and shook her head, sitting down and picking up Wynter from her bouncer. "Look at how big my pretty girls are getting."

"We should make another one." Jordan said to me, sitting right next to me with his niece in hand. I looked at him like he was crazy, because he just had to be. Genesis is a gorgeous baby. She and Wynter looked somewhat alike, but Gen had gray eyes like her dad.

"We're not having another kid." I mumbled under my breath, and held my hand out for Genesis to grab.

"Maybe not right now, but hell yeah we are." I rolled my eyes, ignoring him as I played with his niece. I had such a horrible headache and I just wanted to lay down.

"My head hurts." I said, resting my head on Jordan's shoulder.

"You want something to eat?" He asked me and I just nodded although I didn't, because I wanted him to walk inside with me. "Come on." He handed Genesis to Jerminny and told his mama that we were gonna get something to eat, and we both walked inside.

Jordan and I entered the kitchen and I walked into him, resting my head on his chest. He hugged me and kissed the top of my head. "Can you rub my head?" I asked, and he did.

"What's wrong mama?"

"I don't know. I feel so sick."

"Lemme make you some soup."

"Mm-mm." I shook my head and he instead remained there, rubbing my head. After a few moments, Ava walked in with her iPad in hand.

"Jordan, I'm hungry." She whined, and Jordan let go of me to tend to her. I sat at the island and watched them interact with each other. Ava was so attached to him, and I loved the relationship that they had.

I couldn't wait to see Cleo grow up and be the same way with him.

"Baby I'm gonna lay down." I said. I walked up and kissed both him and my sister before walking upstairs.

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