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Two Weeks Later

I decided to sleep over at Jordan's house last night because Zara slept there with Jayden, and the girls decided that she'd be the one coming to my appointment with me.

Mercedes volunteered to keep the store opened while I was out, so everything was more or less secured for the day. I wasn't even that excited because the gender reveal party wasn't until a week and a half from today.

I was annoyed to be honest.

Jordan and I had been in constant contact and he stood by the fact that he wanted a girl, which further irritated me. It had been the first day in months that I woke up not vomiting, and I felt like I was about to conquer the world or some shit.

Though I was in a bad mood, everything I consumed last night remained in my stomach and that made me happy.

When I got off of the bed in the guesthouse, I checked my phone and saw that Jordan had texted me.

Jordan: Good morning maaa. You ready for today?

Sender: More or less 🤕 Boi I really hope this isn't a girl, I'll cry

Jordan: Lmao you betta chill on my daughter... lil baby J

I laughed and put my phone down without responding to him. I needed to have breakfast and get ready because Z and I were leaving at nine, and its already eight o'clock.

My breakfast was light and just consisted of french toast. I just wanted to hurry up and get this appointment over with.

I took a shower and then changed into a plain nude coloured dress, my denim jacket and some Aztec printed sandals.

I took a shower and then changed into a plain nude coloured dress, my denim jacket and some Aztec printed sandals

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I looked tf cute if I do say so myself. As soon as I was done getting ready, Zara texted me that she was ready. Her timing was impeccable. Locking up the house, I walked to the front to meet up with her, while simultaneously texting Jordan.

Sender: I'm craving cheesy breadsticks w blue cheese ☹

Jordan: Damn yk if daddy was there you woulda been got it

I wanted to end the conversation after reading his text because of the fact that he referred to himself as daddy. He didn't mean it in a sexual way, but the way my mind was set up thanks to this pregnancy...

I was frustrated and needed some penis but dang.

I just ignored it as best as I could and changed the subject.

"Hey girl hey." Zara greeted me with a hug.

"Morning." I greeted her with a smile.

"You look so cute oh my gosh. I've never seen your hair like this before." She cooed, looking at my low bun.

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