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J o r d a n . H a r r i s 👑

"Are you sure you want to leave the house Jordan?" My at home nurse, Angela asked.

Man, I didn't even know what shorty was doing here. She usually called before she came in, but she didn't today. Delilah would trip if she knew.

"Yeah man I'm all good." I mumbled, slipping my black Nike slides onto my feet.

I had to go see Jerminny today, make sure she and my nephew was cool. I don't know why nosy ass Angela worried, my mama was coming to get me.

"I'm ready to leave, I'll walk you out aight?" I said to her just as I got a text from mama saying that she was outside.

"Okay cool." She smirked and picked up her bag, walking out of my bedroom with her ass swaying. I just shook my head.

At first she was hella attractive to me, but then I realized her ass was fake and I just ain't felt the same way after that. Well that's what Delilah told me so I went with it.

"You and your lil girlfriend broke up? I don't see her around no more." She said to me as we made it down the stairs.

"Oh nah, me and my wife good. She just be at school most days, but she's around. Don't worry 'bout it." I said honestly.

"School? How old is she? Sound like a lil girl." Angela said with a laugh.

"Sound like you out ya comfort zone, don't worry bout my girl."

"Oop. I was just askin'."

"Don't ask." I mumbled. I hated when females wanted to play slick, talking about my girl thinking it would get them somewhere.

I ain't wanted Angela dusty ass.

We arrived outside and she waved at me as I locked the door then headed to my mom's car. "Wassup."

"Good mornin' Jordan." She said with attitude. I cringed because she reminded me of Delilah right then and there. Unpleasant as hell. "I'm not stayin' with you. I'm gon drop you off and go handle some business and you'll call when you ready."

I just nodded and tossed my head back, listening to her go on and on as we drove the forty five minutes it took to get to where Jerminny was staying.

We pulled up at the house which was shielded by 20 feet steel gates all round. The house was more or less in the middle of nowhere, and instead of security guards all the systems were automated.

If she wasn't safe here, she might as well move to Iceland.

When mama dropped me off and I successfully entered the gate, i began walking toward the house which required another passcode. Jerminny opened the door for me and stepped aside for me to walk in.

"Wassup J?" I asked when she locked the door and started waddling towards the living room where I heard the TV blasting some cartoon.

She was six months pregnant had had the biggest belly I think I've ever seen at six months.

"Nothin' what's good?" She asked simply. Jerminny and I were currently in the process of repairing our relationship. She had been mad at me for the longest while over some shit I had to do for the safety of our family.

Only after Mark was dead did I find out she was having his kid.

Before that whole situation, me and her was tight. Nobody could say or do shit to get in between us. I honestly missed my big sister. I hoped hard that we could get back to where we were four years ago.

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