E I G H T E E N 🌸

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I screamed in agony as I collected another blow in my back. I don't know what the fuck Jordan did but when they came into the room this morning, they woke me with punches and kicks about my body.

He must've really angered them.

I cried as boiling hot tears came to my eyes and fell down my cheeks. My entire body was in pain. I could've even fend for myself because I was completely weak after having not eaten since Thursday, as well as the fact that my hands were still tied up.

My clothing was now reduced to the tank top I wore underneath the hoodie as well as a pair of boxers.

I felt dirty, and I bet I looked the part too.

The masked men continued hitting me about my body as I screamed and yelled for them to stop.

What the fuck did he do?

J o r d a n . H a r r i s 👑

I ordered the men to clean up the scene as I left out of Fredo's trap house. Every single last human being that worked for him, minus the one holed up wherever he was keeping Delilah, had been annihilated.

I walked out of the house and hopped into my car, driving home to change into some clean clothes to prepare for my next journey.

Before I killed the last of his employees, I had the man contact Fredo to show him the scene. He knew what I had done. I knew it would anger him, but I doubt he's stupid enough to hurt my baby.

When I got home I took a quick shower and changed into a pair of black jeans, a black hoodie and my black timberlands. I was tired and had huge bags underneath my eyes, but I couldn't give up on Delilah.

I picked up my protection and on my way out, I heard a gun clock behind me. I turned around to see Jayden standing in close range, loading his gun. "Where the fuck you think you going?" I asked him.

"Where the fuck you think you going without me?" He asked me back, kissing his teeth. He started walking ahead of me and I followed him annoyed.

"I ain't want you in that type of environment Jayden so you need to take yo scrawny ass back inside the house."

"You must be fucking crazy if you think ima let you go there on yo own to save that girl man. I've got you." He said to me.

"Me too bro." I heard behind me as we stood on the porch. I turned around to see Matthew standing there also dressed in black. "I know you hurting right now, you ain't talking about it much but I know you care about that girl a lot more than you let on. We're gon help you find her."

"Fa'sho." Jayden said in agreement. I simply nodded and started walking to go into my car. Jayden and Matthew followed. Matthew taking the front seat while my brother sat in the back. We were all loaded as I drove to Talya's house.

On arrival, Matthew and I got out of the car and Jayden stayed behind to drive in case anything happened. We forced our way into the house and saw that Talya was sitting in the kitchen. She seemed alarmed when we walked in, immediately hanging up the phone on whoever she was talking to.

"Come on." Matthew said to her, resting his loaded gun against her temple. I didn't bother to stay and watch the same play off, since I went to roam the rest of her house to see if her kids were there.

The house was empty.

On arriving back in the living room, I saw that Talya and Matthew has left already, and she was being forced into the backseat of my car while threatening our lives, prying that her family would notice her missing.

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