S E V E N 🌸

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D e l i l a h . M o n t e z 🥀

Since Jordan and I spoke on Monday night, we've gotten a lot closer. He was the only person that knew what happened between my father and I. For some reason I find comfort in him, something I never really felt with anybody else.

He ended up sleeping over that night, and took me to school the next morning. We've been talking a lot. He makes sure I'm good every night. Mercedes wanted to go out today, and although I wasn't really feeling up to it, I decided to go because I knew it was getting closer to the time she was due to leave.

After showering, I got dressed in a white off-shoulder top, high waisted jeans with cuts by the knees, and a pair of brown sandals. I made my hair into a high bun and grabbed my bag while dialing Mercedes' phone.


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"I'm ready. Where are you?"

"On my way, I'll be there in five minutes." She said before hanging up the phone. I picked up my house keys and walked past my father who had been knocked out on the couch in the living room.

Jordan: What u wearing? [11:36]

: Boy what do you want 😂 [11:37]

Jordan: Chill out freaky deaky damn, I'm just tryna figure out if you're standing in front of me in Popeyes [11:40]

: Well I'm not [11:41]

Jordan: Get out my business ma 😘 [11:41]

: Fineee I'm bout to get some food anyway [11:43]

As soon as I hit send, Jordan began calling my phone. I laughed and picked it up, just as Mercedes' car pulled up in front of my house. "What?" I answered with a smile as I entered the passenger seat of the car.

"Where you goin'?" He asked me and I kissed my teeth.

"Out." I said simply. I peeped over at Mercedes to see her giving me a suspicious glare, most likely wondering who I was talking to. "Jordan." I mouthed to her and she immediately began smiling.

"I'm not bout to play with you D." He said with a chuckle.

"I'll call you later." I said to him and he kissed his teeth.

"Yeah aight. Be careful."

"Girl so wassup with you and Jordan then?" She asked me as soon as the call dropped.

"Nothing, we're just cool." I said honestly. "He's good company."

"Mhm. I hear you."

"Anyway you dressed all cute or whatever. Where we heading?" I asked her, tugging at her sweater.

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