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"Jordan." I shook my baby to wake him from his sleep. He was clearly jet lagged and slept from the time we checked into the hotel about 2 this morning, to now. I checked the time and saw that it was nearing one o'clock. Instead of waking Jordan, I decided to order room service.

The half hour it took for our food to get there, Jordan was still knocked. I really didn't wanna wake him but I ain't wanted his food to get cold, so I shook him awake while calling his name.

Finally his eyes shot open and he began stretching like a baby that had just woken up from a nap.

"Morning mama."

"Good afternoon pumpkin." I smiled, getting off of the bed and grabbing our plates from off the tray. I stood back on the bed and walked towards him, kneeling beside him and placing his food on his lap.

The plate consisted of a seafood platter including shrimp, crab, prawns and oysters. There was also a portion of fries and a portion of wedges.

"You want the fries or the wedges?" Jordan asked me, picking a wedge from the portion and popping it into his mouth.

"The wedges." I said and handed him the fries. My stomach began churning at the scent of the seafood and my mouth began springing water. In a rush I placed the food on the bed beside me and hurried to the bathroom to empty my stomach.

My morning sickness had begun.

As I wretched and vomited, I heard the faucet in the bathroom turn on and then Jordan's coarse hand grabbing my hair and holding it up so that I wouldn't get it messed up. When I was finish, I sat back against the wall and whined with irritation, tears even sprung to my eyes.

"What's wrong ma?" Jordan asked me, handing me a glass of water and rubbing my back as I cried.

I was so emotional. I didn't even know why I was crying. I just hated throwing up, and knowing that I would be doing this for a while was annoying me.

"Come here cry baby." He brought my head into the crook of his neck and hugged me tightly.

Jordan made me tea and ordered me a grilled cheese sandwich which I enjoyed in bed while he had his stupid seafood on the balcony.

I'd started feeling slightly better after my crying fit, and he convinced me that some fresh air would do me good. I argued that the air at the beach would make me sick, but he argued that it would make me better.

So we went to the beach.

I wore a lime green bathsuit that was long sleeved and opened up by the chest area, while Jordan put on his red Adidas tracks, a white t shirt and slips.

The walk to the beach was only about 5 minutes long, and the entire time Jordan hugged up on me and held my hand like we were some high school kids that finally got to spend time together.

I love my man.

"I'm not going in the water. You can if you wanna, but I'm not tryna get my hair wet." I mumbled, resting the bags in the sand and taking a seat next to them.

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