N I N E T E E N 🌸

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D e l i l a h . M o n t e z 🥀

I don't know how long I'd been knocked out for, but I knew it was now dark again, but I felt comfortable laying in a familiar bed. The last thing I remembered was Jayden walking into the room and attacking Lucky who was trying to rape me. I didn't know if he was dead, but I didn't care, because I seemed to be at home safe.

I shifted in bed, my body still aching a bit. I came face to chest with Jordan who was fast asleep beside me. A smile came across my lips because I had missed this so much. I noticed that I was no longer bloody and came upon the conclusion that he had cleaned me while I was asleep.

My arms wrapped around his big body and I drifted back off to sleep.


I woke up again and this time it was bright out. I wanted to stretch, but my aching muscles restricted me, so I just sat up in the bed, looking around. My hands reached up to my hot, swollen cheeks, and as I did, the bedroom door flew open.

Jordan had a smirk on his lips as he made eye contact with me. I forced a smile as tears came to my eyes at the sight of him.

My crybaby ass.

I looked at him, dressed only in a pair of black basketball shorts, his Tommy Hilfiger peeping from beneath it. He was shirtless and all his tattoos were on show. He looked goodt okay.

"I'm sore but can you lift me and hold me?" I croaked as I spread my arms upwards for him to lift me. He leaned in and wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me from under the covers and into him, my legs wrapped around his waist.

I hugged him tightly and he did the same, rubbing my scalp in the process. "You good babygirl. I've got you. I've got you." He kept repeating as I cried into his shoulder, hugging him as tight as I could possibly.

"I'm sorry I put you in harms way like that mama." He said to me, and when I tell y'all I didn't even think of this whole situation like that until he said it.


Am I slow? Or did I just not want to think negatively of Jordan? I was really abducted because some psycho wanted revenge on my boyfriend. I could've been killed. I was beaten and almost raped because Jordan hurt somebody.

But he also came to my rescue, I knew he always would, I believe in him.

I was torn honestly.

I shook the thoughts from my head and decided just to bask in the moment and enjoy being held by my man. "I missed you so much." I cried.

"I missed you too baby." He said to me, he laid me back onto the bed and sat beside me, rubbing my thigh as he stared at my face. I noticed that I was clad in a pair of underwear that I left over at his house, as well as an oversized t shirt of his.

"Don't worry ma, I ain't showered you, my mama did." He said to me, "She dressed that cut too." He said gesturing at the one on my forehead.

"Really?" I smiled, "Could you tell her thanks when you talk to her?"

"You can go downstairs and tell her now if you want." He said. He had a dead look in his eyes. He looked like he had zoned out, and slightly angry. I knew he was looking at my cuts and bruises.

"Come here." I mumbled, opening my arms for him to come and lay on me like he was some kind of baby. He forced a smirk and crawled into my arms, resting his head on my chest while I rubbed on his head and neck with both my hands. "This isn't your fault Jordan."

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