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One Month Later

"Aw look at my lil peanut growing inside my big peanut." Mercedes cooed at my stomach as if she hadn't seen me in ages, when in reality she's been in town for the past two weeks, and seen me every day since.

My girl now had honey brown hair, and I feel like between this one, the blonde and her natural black, this had to be my favourite one yet. She looked so good.

 She looked so good

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"Girl..." I mushed her, sitting comfortably in my cushioned chair, enjoying my hot wings.

The store was now completely put together and more than ready to be opened. The only thing that's been keeping me back was Christmas break, and school reopening. But tomorrow's the day, finally.

Mercy made herself comfortable on the ottoman beside me and began eating as well. There was a knock on the store's front door and I looked over to see Jerminny and Kayla standing outside, looking like they were freezing their asses off.

Jerminny was about ready to pop, with her big ass stomach. She was so damn adorable. Her hair was cut in a blunt bob and she wore tracksuits 25/8 now.

"Hey bitches welcome to the Dollhouse, what's popping?" I asked as I pressed the buzzer to allow them to step inside

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"Hey bitches welcome to the Dollhouse, what's popping?" I asked as I pressed the buzzer to allow them to step inside. Kayla kissed her teeth and locked the door behind her while Jerminny waddled over to the ottoman.

"I'm tired of yo ass. You just took seven years to open the damn door."

"What y'all got to eat?" I asked, ignoring her. Zara stepped out from in the back of the store, hanging up her phone and joining us.

"Where was you at?" Kayla asked.

"Arguing with fuckin' Jayden. He's so stupid." She mumbled and sat on the floor.

"Birds of a feather..." Jerminny and I said in sync, which had us both cracking up.

"You never told us what happened with you and Jordan." Mercedes mentioned. Since I got back I haven't said anything to anyone about him. All they knew was that we were broken up.

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