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2 Weeks Later

D e l i l a h . M o n t e z 🥀

School was finally out for Christmas break, and Jordan wanted to go on a mini vacation which I didn't at all mind.

His birthday was a few days from now and he decided he wanted to go to Jamaica. I much preferred Trinidad since I have relatives there but I didn't make a scene about it because he's the birthday boy.

He had went to the trap today for a couple hours, and was expected back within the next hour or so, so that we could leave. I had both Zara and Kayla over helping me pack my suitcase but they weren't any help whatsoever.

Kayla was laying across the bed texting and Zara was snapping pictures in the full-size mirror on the wall. They were annoying the shit outta me. As I folded a t shirt and placed it into the carry-on, I peered at both of them.

"Kayla how you feel layin' on that bed where I got pregnant?" I asked her. Kayla grimaced and raced to roll off of the bed.

Zara busted out laughing and sat on the ottoman. "Didn't nobody need that visual Delilah."

"Well you're gon hate thinking about the positions I was in on that otto-"

"D! Would you stop?!" Zara yelled and hopped up from her seat.

"Now that y'all lazy asses are up, help me pack. That's the only reason I invited y'all here in the first place." I said and tossed some clothes at them.

"You better not catch no damn attitude with us, with yo fat self." Kayla rolled her neck. I rolled my eyes and sat on the bed.

Kayla and Zara began folding and packing some of my clothing into the suit case. There really wasn't that much left since these hoes was sitting around for nearly an hour watching me.

"How long y'all goin' for?" Zara asked me.

"A week." I mumbled, swinging my feet off of my bed and rubbing my miniature baby bump.

"And what you bought my bruh for his birthday?"

"A bunch of shit. I kinda went ham to be honest." I mumbled and shook my head, thinking about all the stuff I'd bought Jordan for his birthday in two days.

A bunch of clothes, some shoes, slides and a watch. I just picked up everything I liked honestly.

"Y'all got money money." Kayla laughed and Zara chuckled as well. "That baby's gon be spoiled as a motherfucker."

"He sure is."

"He?" The both asked in sync.

"I want a boy."

"Jordan want a girl?"

"I don't know. It don't matta'. I want a boy." I responded.

"You bogus D." Kayla shook her head and then joined me on the bed once the suitcase was closed. I laughed and shook my head. "I can't believe you havin' a baby on us."

"Me either." I mumbled and rubbed my belly. I've still not completely accepted the fact but I've definitely become acquainted with it. I was still mad at myself to an extent but I understood that I had a baby inside of me and understood that I can't go back.

I was more or less comfortable with it now, and well Jordan always had so that's not much of a problem.

"I'm so happy for you though." Zara cheesed. We sat and talked for about a half hour after that when Jordan arrived home. Kayla and Zara hugged and kissed me goodbye before leaving.

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