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It was finally the day of my due date and of course I felt nothing. I knew this child wouldn't wanna come out.

She love it here.

My mama and mother in law kept telling me to take walks to try and get ready for when the time does come, and Jerminny told me that Jordan and I should do the do, but at this point I was too big to have sex or even think about it.

The discomfort was unimaginable, I just wanted to have my baby.

I paced up and down the block with Jordan and Jayden trailing behind me. How they managed to walk slower than a nine month pregnant lil girl is beyond me but I was grateful for the company as I walked and rubbed on my belly.

"Baby." I moaned, halting and waiting on Jordan to catch up so I could lean on him.

"What happen mama?"

"I'm tired."

"You know I really don't understand this pregnancy shit. That lil girl been bakin' for nine months, its her day to get out why she still in there? Genesis ass was the same thing." Jayden ranted and I kissed my teeth, "Stubborn ass kids man."

"They don't always necessarily come on their due date dumbass. I don't know why y'all tryna rush my lil princess." Jordan said holding my hand.

"Mm I bet that's easy for you to say from the outside looking in huh?" I asked and Jayden tsked.

"Is it heavy?"

"My tummy?"

"Yeah." Jayden confirmed.

"Very." I muttered as we approached the house again. "I'm always tired and my back kills."

"Damn. Sucks for y'all." He commented and I hit him. Jayden went into the house and I sat out in the porch with Jordan in silence for a bit, both of us on our phones.

"How you feel mama?" He asked, looking up at me. I lifted my jersey so that my stomach was exposed. "Why you tryna be a hot girl right now?"

"Trying?" I asked and he kissed his teeth, making me laugh. "I don't feel anything. I don't think she's gonna come today."

"You okay with that?" He asked me, knowikng how I excited I was.

"I'm ready whenever she is. She can stay as long as she wants to." I said, rubbing my belly. On queue she started kicking, almost like she was tryna let me know she heard me. "I know girl."

"I hope she don't get yo poor attitude cuz ima smack the shit outta both of y'all." Jordan mumbled and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't have a poor attitude."

"Hell yeah you do. You've been the nicest since you've been pregnant honestly I'm scared for mamas to get here, I just know you finna revert."

"Jordan shut up because you the one that be getting me in that negative space with ya shit." I said to him. "You always up to something. And yo ass love to lie."

"Do I?"

"Yes! And you know you do."

"Are you gettin' mad? I was playing baby."

"Whatever Lionel." I mumbled under my breath and he busted out laughing at the name. That's what his lying ass should've been named anyway.

"Shut up. I love you." He mumbled and came over to give me a few kisses, "You want a snack?" I hesitantly nodded, and Jordan went inside to get me some fruit.


I flew up out of my sleep to the sharpest pain I had ever felt. It was one of those things that you didn't know exactly where it was stemming from.

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