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Three Months Later


The New York sun hit me the minute I stepped out of the airport. It was for real so different than that of Jamaica in an unexplained way.

The air wasn't fresh like the Caribbean air. Shit smelled like smoke and just toxic. Damn I can't believe being away got me so boujie. I didn't want Delilah to know I was coming home yet cuz I wanted to surprise her, so I asked my mama to come get me.

I stood out there for a few minutes and then she finally pulled up.

I put my bags in the trunk and got in, placing a kiss on her cheek. "Hey ma."

"Hey my baby. You lookin' good."

"I know." I shrugged and she kissed her teeth while driving off. It was only then I noticed my nephew Mylz sleeping in his car seat in the back. "Damn can I wake him?"

"Why the hell would you wake him Jordan?" My mama scolded and I kissed my teeth. "You annoying."

"Whatever girl. You missed me?"

"Some days, yes. But other days I was around Jerm and Jordan and that was just too much. I can't believe I had 3 whole kids." She mumbled and I laughed, "Fast ass. I know you missed me though."

"Hell yeah I did. I can't wait to get home and eat. D over there yet?"

"No she doesn't feel good so Jayden took her for Chick-Fil-A."

I liked at mama crazy, thinking she mixed up her words. Why would she want Chick-Fil-A cuz she was sick? "What's the correlation?"

"Listen that's what the girl said okay. You could go to her mama's house later cuz I know how she gets when she doesn't feel good. I don't want her to move around too much." She said to me she I nodded, "It's almost time for babygirl to be born. You ready?"

"I don't know if I'll ever be ready, but I'm excited." I said honestly.

I was always skeptical about having kids but the feeling came naturally with Delilah. I wanted to have a family with her and I was past excited for my daughter to come into this world but I wasn't perfect and I knew the lifestyle I was attached to.

It was scary honestly. But I vowed to protect mamas and our lil bundle.

"You know what you need to do." Was all she said and I remained silent until we got home.

As soon as the car stopped, Mylz' gas brain ass woke up. Stretching and shit like he was in his bed. "Wassup lil nigga? Bout time you woke up."

He laughed and finished stretching while I went to take him out the seat. "Where you been?" He asked me.

"Don't matter, I'm back. What's good?" I asked, lifting him out the car. "Mama I'm leavin' my bags in there for now. I'll move them later I'm hungry."

"Ava my girlfriend." He announced and I kissed my teeth.

"I thought you liked Delilah?"

"Yeah but she got fat like mommy." Mylz pouted and I busted out laughing.

"Oh I'm fat?" I heard Jerminny ask from in the living room, "And that's funny Jordan?"

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