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Hey guysss so I've been experiencing brazy writer's block and I'm guessing it's cuz I stayed away from the book so long 😩
So I feel like the best thing for me to do right now would be to end the book for now, but instead of leaving y'all hanging I'm gonna give you guys a part 2- therefore it'll be like a new storyline and I should be able to focus a lot more. If I do that, I'm gonna give y'all about 5 more chapters here and then I'll get started on part 2 as soon as June.
Let me know what y'all think?

Anyways back to it...



I sat in the drivers seat of my car waiting on D to come back in. I kept peeking in the rare view mirror to make sure my daughter was still asleep in her car seat, and she was.

I couldn't help but smile every time I looked at mamas.

Like damn she really mine.

Seems like just yesterday her mama was telling me she wasn't interested in me, now look, a whole two week old baby.

I looked through the window to see if there was any movement, because Delilah had been in the store for about fifteen minutes and she just went to check on Mercedes who had been taking care of it while we were on baby watch.

"Damn y'all talk too much." I mumbled under my breath. Within a couple minutes I saw her coming in. She opened the door and got into the car, but slammed it a bit which made me turn around to see if she had waken the baby.

I noticed she didn't budge, and neither did Delilah. She just sat there unbothered and it worked me up a little, but I didn't say anything, just looked at her like she was crazy.

When she noticed I wasn't starting the car she turned to look at me and I saw that her eyes were puffy like she'd been crying. "What?" She asked me.

"What was you crying about?" I asked and she looked away from me. I kissed my teeth and gripped her chin, turning her face back in my direction so she could look straight at me. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"Nothing happened."

"You pissin' me off Red cuz I'm asking you for real. You just came in here and slammed the door like you forgot my kid in the backseat and now yo whole face red and you telling me nothing happened." I scolded her and she kissed her teeth.

"Let me go, I don't wanna talk." I ignored her and she yanked my hand away hard. On impact I reach back over and wrapped my hand around her neck. "Jordan!"

"I'm talking to you." I said to her. "I'm not tryna fight you mama I just wanna know wassup, so can you please tell me?" I pleaded with her but her eyes looked blank.

"Jordan we're in public and you're choking me in the car. You need to let go." She said. I kissed my teeth and let go of her, deciding to wait until we got home to press the subject.

When we got home Delilah got out of the car, took the baby and went into the house without saying anything to me. I sighed and shook my head, genuinely not knowing what the hell was wrong. I just shook my head. Before I could come out of the car I noticed my phone ringing.

I saw it was Matthew and picked it up. "Wassup man?"

"Aye what's good? I just wanted to check on you and see wassup."

"I'm aight." I sighed and rubbed my head, "You already know I'm stressed out about this shit and then on top of it I wanna choke slam Delilah ass."

"Damn what she do?" Matthew asked.

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