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"Ya moms." I finally admitted, fed up of getting hit on by Delilah, "Carmen is yo mother."

She immediately kissed her teeth and began walking away from me, back in the direction of her bedroom. "You can't never be fuckin' serious."

"Ain't nobody playing with you Delilah. Carmen's ya mother." I said to her in all seriousness. The first and second time I saw Carmen I knew she looked familiar, I just completely dismissed the thought hat she looked like Delilah because she told me her mother died years ago.

When she took my number she started texting me and explaining to me that she faked her death all those years ago in an attempt to escape her abusive husband, and now that she heard he's dead, she came back to redeem her relationship with Delilah.

That whole thing sounded insane to me until she started sharing pictures and stories of her and Delilah with me.

It was still fucking crazy, but she more she spoke the more I understood... to an extent. We had planned to keep it from Delilah until I warmed her up to the idea, kinda like a surprise. But I knew my girl, and no amount of warming up would allow her to forgive her moms.

"My mother died when I was eight Jordan, and you know that."

"Sit yo ass down." I demanded. She was getting me so angry. I didn't want to yell at her much less grab her like I did, but she was entertaining another nigga thinking I was entertaining another female when in reality I was trying to help her ass.

She mugged me, rolled her eyes, and sat down on the bed. I pulled out my phone and went into my messages, opening Carmen's conversation. After scrolling to the top, I passed the phone to her. "I'm getting real tired of yo mouth Delilah." I said to her, then proceeded to tell her about Carmen.

"We met three weeks ago when I went to the store for you." I mumbled, "I ain't believed what she said at first but everything started adding up."

I looked at her as her face transitioned from emotion to emotion. Irritation. Confusion. Understanding. Disappointment.

Delilah looked up at me with tears in her eyes. She looked hurt, and I was hurting seeing her like this. "You knew?" She asked, her lip trembling and voice breaking. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I know you D-"

"That's not an excuse you ass." She said, standing up now, "I've been on my fucking own for almost 10 years! My father has been everything but a fucking father to me, and you knew that!" She cried, shoving me harder than she did before.

"Don't put ya hands on me Delilah. I know you're mad aight ma? But don't hit me." I warned her.

"Fuck you Jordan. Both of y'all can go to hell for all I care, honestly. I don't wanna see her." She shouted, pushing me one more time and turning around to walk away from me, but not before yelling at me to get out and tossing my phone at me.

I wanted to fight her back, I wanted to yell at her and tell her how the only reason I hid it was to protect her ass, ask her who the fuck she was talking to.

Man, I wanted to fuck some understanding into her... overall I just didn't want to leave her alone because I know how she gets.

"I'm not goin' nowhere." I said to her after a couple minutes. It was now silent. The only sound heard was Delilah's uncontrollable sniffing and sobbing as she laid on the bed. I stood at the foot of the bed, just looking at her. She was balled up under her comforter with a pillow under her head and one over her head. "D." I called, sitting by her. I lifted the pillow a bit so I could see her face. The light was switched off so I could barely see her face, but the huge wet spot under her cheek was noticeable on the pink bedspread.

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