T H R E E 🌸

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"Is New York even real?" I asked myself shaking my head as I read a news report on my phone, which said that after a robbery in Brooklyn yesterday, the bandit kissed the manager of the jewelry store and told her that he loved her.

Shit was crazy.

I was sitting in Math class which I was initially supposed to be paying attention to, but got caught up in my phone. I was still lost in it until an announcement called me out of my little bubble.

"Delilah Montez, please meet Mrs. Kepling at the principals office immediately. Delilah Montez to the principals office." Everybody stopped talking, including my teacher, and turned their attention to me. I put the Cheeto puff I was about to eat back in the pack, and with a grimace on my face I gathered my books and left the classroom.

As I walked down the hall, Mercedes was walking towards me with a worried look on her face. "What did you do?" She asked me like she already knew what I did.

"Nothing. Maybe something happened." I shrugged and walked into the office with my best friend on my heels.

"You're sure you didn't do anything?" She asked as I spoke to the receptionist.

"Sis. I haven't gotten in a fight in two years." I said and she nodded with a slow sigh. When I got the all clear to go into the office, Mercedes started following me in there too. "Cedes I'll tell you what's up when I get back."

"Yeah." She said nodding, "Right okay."

I knocked on the door of the office and our principal, Mrs. Kepling shouted for me to enter. I opened the door and shut it behind me.

Mrs. Kepling sat behind her regular desk, and there was another man sitting just before her, dressed smartly in an expensive suit. "Miss Montez please have a seat next to Mr. Willis."

I rested my backpack on the floor beside the chair and sat next to the man. "Would you like to tell her who you are?"

Oh no.

He's with CPS isn't he? Maybe someone heard the yelling coming from my house and called them on my dad.

Or maybe he's my dad's lawyer. Maybe he finally died and he's just here to break the news to me.

I looked over at the man's nonchalant demeanor but I couldn't seem to read his emotions. "Miss Montez, my name is Dylan Willis and I'm part of the acceptance committee at New York University." He's started, and my face immediately softened. "Your principal contacted us a while ago and informed us that one of her higher performing students was interested in joining us this upcoming semester, and she sent over a file belonging to you even though you haven't yet sent your application in, or have you?"

"N-no. I haven't." I stammered and he nodded.

"Well Delilah, we at NYU are interested in what you have to offer and have decided to offer you a full scholarship opportunity to study any area you prefer." He said and handed me a sealed envelope. "We understand that you were a problem child, as I like to say, at some point but we trust that all that has been left behind?"

"Yes. It has." I said nodding heavily.

"Fantastic. You have until the ending of June to contact us with your final answer. Any questions?"

I was stunned for a couple seconds and nothing happened to come out of my mouth. I looked between Mrs. Kepling and Mr. Willis. "Wow."

They both shared a laugh before quieting down again. "Do you have an idea of what you'd like to study, Delilah?" My principal asked and I nodded.

"Psychology for sure." I said and she nodded.

"I look forward to hearing from you Delilah." The man said and I smiled and nodded at him before I was dismissed. I left the office and my breath was caught in my throat. I kept taking deep breaths so I wouldn't break down crying.

Mercedes met me around the corner from the office, and all the nonsense about me not crying, went right out the door. I held on to my best friend and cried into her shoulders.

I couldn't believe this was happening.

I got accepted into my dream college before I even applied, and with a full scholarship too. I didn't have anything to worry about, for once. And it felt absolutely amazing.


I laid up in my room looking up at the ceiling. Nothing in particular was on my mind. I'd gotten the hype of getting into NYU out of my head a couple of hours ago. I even decided to come straight home after school for a change.

I just wanted to be in my bed.

My mind drifted off slowly and I could see my mother. I thought about the last time I saw her. We were laying in her bed watching the food network. I was seven years old at the time and my mom was my absolute best friend, cheesy as it sounds.

"Dede what are you doin' in my head child?" My mom asked me with a chuckle.

"Don't you trust me mama?!" I asked as I twisted her hair. She was sitting upright at the foot of the bed and I kneeled behind her so I could reach her head. My mama's hair was always long and healthy looking, she was also mixed with black and Indian.

"Little girl you gon cause knots. Just tell me what you doing." She said and I shook my head as if she could see me. Finally, I was finished, and hopped off the bed to look at my finished product.

"You lookin' good mama." I said honestly, leading her to the mirror in her room. I didn't really do anything special, I just parted her hair into four sections and twisted them neatly.

"I look like a child Delilah Montez." She said rolling her eyes with a chuckle. She went and laid on the bed again and I joined her. She was on her side, facing me as I held the same position. She reached out and picked up an eyelash that had fallen onto my nose. "You're so pretty." She smiled at me while tucking my wild hair behind my ear.

"That's cuz I look like you." I cheesed and put my little arm around her neck.

"You're absolutely right, you do look like me. I'm smokin' hot right?" She asked laughing and I nodded. "You know what that means. You're finna be smokin' hot too Dede."

"Duhhh." I drew out and she started laughing.

"You know mama loves you." She said and kissed my nose.

"I love you too mama."

"Now I have a secret to tell you." She said coming closer to me. She lifted her head and brought her lips to my ears, whispering, "Mama's gonna give you a baby brother."

I remember I was so excited. I'd been an only child for way too long. I loved the attention but sometimes I wanted somebody to be alone with, you know?

We talked about it for the longest while, until my father came home and mama decided she was gonna get something for us to eat. "I'll be back pumpkin. Be good for daddy okay?" She said and I nodded, hopping onto the bed to lay beside my dad who welcomed me with opened arms.

My mama turned back and sent us a warm smile before she left. She walked out of the room, out of the house, never to be seen again.

I smiled at the memory, wiping stray tears that fell down my cheeks. I sighed hard as a wave of sadness overcame me. I curled into a ball and laid there, crying my eyes out for longer than I could say.

I missed my mama.

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