S I X T E E N 🌸

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D e l i l a h . M o n t e z 🥀


I had such a terrible headache for absolutely no reason. It wasn't unbearably hot out, I wasn't stressed out about anything, and my hair wasn't held too tight. But then again it may have been my anxiety from this being my first day of school after all these drastic changes took place.

I kissed my teeth and picked up the books that sat on the floor of my locker. I turned on my heel to head in the direction of my Economics class. On my way there, I picked at my fingernails, paying so much attention to them that I bumped right into somebody. I looked up and saw that it was a guy. He was taller than me by a couple inches, and had caramel coloured skin with nice lips and waves in his hair.

He looked me up and down with a smirk, and I looked him up and down with a straight face.

He was cute- a pretty boy. And looked like my man could beat his ass.

"Damn I'm sorry ma." He apologized, rubbing his hands together like bird man.

"Nah I'm sorry, I was a lil distracted." I said with a tight smile. I intended for that to be the end of the conversation, and attempted to make my way around him, only for him to step in front of me again.

"Woah wassup? You can't talk?" He asked me again, purposely flexing his muscles which was disturbing me.

"I'm late for class." I said simply.

"Aight well ima be quick. I'm Lucky, I ain't never seen you around but ion mind getting to know you, you got a name?" He asked me with a sickly smirk.

He looked like somebody Mercedes might find attractive, but I really wasn't with it.


"So you nameless?"

"Thanks right. I guess you ain't so lucky after all." I said with a sweet smile before stalking off into my classroom.

After school I stood under one of the large trees in front of the building, looking out for Jordan's black Range Rover. Most of the students departed from the school as I just looked on at all these people that I had no type of communication with.

I stood there for about five minutes, minding my own business until I saw the guy from earlier walking towards me. I visibly rolled my eyes, not really wanting anything to do with him.

"Sup Delilah?" He asked, smirking as he propped up beside me.

"I didn't tell you my name Larry." I responded in a bored tone.

"Nah but I told you mine, and it ain't Larry." He said, biting on his lip and looking me up and down. "So what's good? I get to call you later?"

"Boy if you don't leave me alone." I said loud enough for him to hear, "I really am not interested. I've got a man, and he don't like me talking to you niggas."

"Yo man can't do what I can do."

"There ain't nothing you can offer me that he hasn't already given to me." I said with a sweet smile. I saw Jordan's car pull up in the distance, and I could already tell he was staring straight at us, although the windows were tinted. I took another look at Lucky and started walking to the vehicle.

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