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One Month Later

I sighed heavily as I flopped down onto the bed, finally. I'd been out all day getting some stuff finalized before I officially start school in a couple weeks.

I was so damn tired. I didn't know that this shit could were you out so much. I looked at my phone to see that it was only about 8PM, but I was about to shower and call it a day.

Angelo came to the door of what had become my room, calling my name as loud as his transitioning voice could muster.

"What? What is it?" I asked as I got up to open the door.

"Can Ava stay in here with you? She won't stop singing and in trying to play Minecraft." He complained.

"Um no, where is Ava's mama?"

"She said leave her alone because she's watching Love and Hip Hop."

"So why don't you put Ava in her room then? You up here bothering me to babysit. I'm tired." I ranted. I was about to slam to door in his face when he opened it wider and welcomed himself in. "Goodbye Angelo I'm not babysitting either of y'all."

He ignored me and threw himself onto the love seat in the corner of the bedroom, proceeding to play his game as if I hadn't just evicted him.

"I won't make noise." He mumbled softly. I barely even heard the last part because he was so into the game that he trailed off without noticing. I hated having siblings, man.

I thought I was miserable on my own, and then I thought Jayden was the most stressful it could get, but then Ava and Angelo got comfortable with me.

I threw a mini tantrum before marching downstairs to make sure that Ava was okay, since I couldn't leave the three year old downstairs on her own.

She laid on the couch, sprawled out with no care in the world, looking at Doc McStuffins (that's my shit) while singing in sync with her.

"Ava. It's bedtime girl, come on." I lied, hoping to gain her attention. Which I did, along with a roll of her eyes.

"Iss' not!" She yelled at me.

"It is now. Come on, with ya rude ass." I switched the TV on and she immediately began wailing. Tossing her onto my hip, I took her to mama's room.

"What happened to my baby?" She asked me, reaching out for Ava. "Didn't Angelo pass my message on to y'all?"

"Goodnight mama." Was all I said.

"Wait girl, when I went to the store today I saw Jo." She said to me, referring to Jordan by the nickname she gave him. It didn't affect me in any way, because although we had broken up and haven't spoken to each other since then, my mom retained a close relationship with him, and I kept one with Jayden and their mom as well. We were lucky enough to never bump into each other, because God knows how awkward that would be. "He said he got you a birthday present, and he's been holding it since then but he still hasn't seen you. You should stop by and collect it."

Sis couldn't be so gullible.

My birthday was three weeks ago and I didn't even get a text from Jordan, how likely is it that he'd bought me a whole present?

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