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D e l i l a h . M o n t e z 🥀

"Baby. Baby wake up." I whispered as I tried shaking Jordan out of his sleep. He kept stirring but wouldn't open his eyes which was extremely annoying because he would make us late for the appointment.

"Jordannn." I whined and hit his chest.

"I'm up, I'm up." He finally said, turning around to toss his arm around me. His eyes were still shut and he started snoring lightly, which blew me.

If he'd learn to keep his ass at home and help me study at night, he wouldn't have to go through this every morning.

His ass has been club hopping- literally hopping because he cannot use both his legs just yet- and getting high with Matthew every night since last week.

I didn't make a big deal out of it because I knew he hadn't been out in a minute, but I was starting to miss my man, aside from the whole pregnancy scare situation.

"Jordan I have a doctor's appointment and you are asleep!" I yelled.

"Yooo why the fuck you yelling?" He groaned.

"I tried waking ya ass up with my inside voice but you had me fucked up. Now get up because I have an hour to get there!"

He kissed his teeth and mumbled something under his breath as he got off the bed.

"I should've left without yo ass." I said to him.

"I wish yo scary ass would've! I wish you woulda left without me. You crazy but you not dumb."

We were half hour early for the appointment and Jordan and I were parked up outside the doctor's office talking in the car.

Well I was talking, he was eating and nodding at me when necessary. I wasn't mad at him for it, because I was gossiping about Kayla and Matthew.

"I mean I know he act like a nigga but I ain't knew he liked black girls like that." I said, picking up some fries from Jordan's burger king box.

"Yeah?" Was all he responded, watching me with an amused grin.

"Yeah what are you smiling about?"

"You nervous as a bitch. You've been talking since we left home sis." He said to me, putting his food away. I ignored him and leaned back in my seat, because he was right.

Although he expressed to me that he would be okay with whichever outcome, I still didn't know what exactly to think.

"What are you nervous about?" He asked me, turning my head in his direction.

"I don't know if I'm ready to become a mama. I barely know how to take care of myself."

"You take care of me." He said, kissing my cheeks a few times. "You help me shower when my foot fucks up, you cook for me, you make me smile when I'm in a bad mood... you love me so much." He said and I laughed as he continued placing big wet kisses all over my face.

I wrapped one arm around his neck and pressed our cheeks together while I rubbed his beard with my free hand.

"Aren't you scared?" I asked.

"Nope, not anymore. Because we make a good team. Whatever you can't do, I've got and vice versa. We'll be good I promise." He said to me and held his pinky out.

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