chapter four

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And those two days passed quicker than you had expected, maybe even too quick. You had stressed this day since the day Thor had told you about this little trip of yours to Asgard.
You had been there now two times before, first time when Loki had kidnapped you and the second time when Odin had invited you to visit there.

And also without forgetting Frigga, who had told you some very strange things about your powers.

But there was also one good thing about going to Asgard: There were now more good reasons to stay out of school and also have an opportunity to avoid Peter and MJ.


"You ready little mind reader?" you heard Thor calling you behind your door. You shoved your book into your almost full backpack and rushed then at the door to open it for Thor.
"Yep, I'm done." you replied and closed the door after you. Thor signed you to follow him into the elevator.

"Are you alright? You seem little nervous." Thor asked while you were heading down together.
"I'm perfectly alright." you replied, even though you weren't so sure about it. There were something really strange feelings running through your body at the moment.

"Finally!" Clint snarled when you stepped outside where everyone else were already waiting for you two. Clint was already super excited, like a kid in the rollercoaster.
"Is everyone here?" Thor said and looked around him.
"Yes, and Bruce and Nat are staying as you knew already." Steve replied firmly.

It made you and Clint to grin at each other. You two had shipped them for ages now and you both knew there definitely was something going on between them.

"Alright, let's get going then. Father is waiting." Thor ordered and you followed him to the middle of the parking area.

"Alright, you need to hold on tightly! Bifrost isn't the most pleasant way to travel." Thor grinned and reached his hand for his hammer. And after few seconds, mjolnir appeared into Thor's hand and he lifted his arm up, calling for Heimdall.
"Wait, where are we supposed to hold on to..?!" Tony grumbled, but Thor just grinned in reply as a light which looked just like a rainbow, appeared around you and you soon felt your feet lifting up from the ground.


"We are never doing that again!" Tony grumbled as he were lying on the ground. His first travel by Bifrost hadn't went very well. Steve was also looking pretty nauseous as he was leaning against the wall.
You and Clint instead, were perfectly fine. Well, you had traveled by Bifrost before, but Clint hadn't, and he definitely was in better shape than your father and Steve.

"Come on Tony, that was fun!" Clint teased and it earned a laugh from you and Thor.

"Welcome back, Thor, prince of Asgard and our new guests from Midgard." Heimdall greeted you all with little nod.
"Who the hell are you?" Tony asked when he had managed himself back up on his feet.
"This is Heimdall, protector of Bifrost and my oldest and dearest friend. He can see everything that happens around all the nine realms." Thor introduced him. Tony looked little stunned, but impressed.

"It's an honor to meet you all." Heimdall said and then attached his eyes on you.
"Especially you, miss Y/N Stark." he added with gentle smile. You nodded with a kind smile in reply. You had met Heimdall once before, and he really was one of the most nicest people you had ever met.

"Okay, we have to keep moving. Odin is expecting us." Thor ordered and led you towards the palace after you had said your goodbyes to Heimdall.

You entered into the palace and the rest of the team was admiring it while you kept walking towards the throne room.

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