chapter forty-two

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You were carrying Morgan back to her room from the medical after she had fell asleep on your lap. You had managed to convince her that Clint would get better and that he just needed some time to heal. And you really wanted to believe that too, but you didn't know how much hope you had left anymore. You hadn't told anyone, but after Clint had almost died to a seizure, you had heard Bruce's conversation with Steve. He had told him that Clint's condition was now only getting worse day by day, and he needed to wake up soon.
You felt like you were at your dead end now, and had no idea what you should do. You couldn't live without him.

"Y/N" you heard suddenly Loki's voice and steps from the stairs. You turned around and saw him rushing over to you.
"Where did you go? I was worried." he told you firmly while he tried to stabilize his breathing. He had been running through the corridors to find you.
"I was just checking Clint's condition.." you told him and laid your eyes on Morgan who was still sleeping in your arms. Loki had noticed her too and he was clearly wondering why she was with you. "She had a nightmare.." you whispered then and lifted your head up to look at Loki. There was certain concern and compassion in his eyes as he looked at your sister. And it made you smile a little, it was cute that he cared about your sister even though he won't ever admit it.

"Let's go then." Loki smirked and started to led you towards the floor where Morgan's room lied.
"Is it so safe that you-"
"Cmon darling.." Loki interrupted you and turned around again. "Everyone is asleep, we're safe." he told you mischievously with a smirk. You sighed heavily and nodded in return.

You laid Morgan down on her bed and covered her with her blanket. But when you were about to leave, she suddenly woke up.
"Y/N where are you going?" she asked with her cute sleepy voice. You turned around and walked over to her bed and dropped down on your knee next to her.
"I'm going back to sleep, as you should too." you told her firmly while you stroked her hair.
"But what if the nightmare comes back?" she whispered, trying her best to not let Loki hear her. You frowned in confusion and then decided to grab her hand gently into yours. It was unusual that she was so scared of her dreams.
"What it was about?" you asked softly. Morgan looked little scared as she started to mumble.
" died and... and you left me.." she stuttered. You glanced at Loki who was watching from aside and then you turned to look at your little sister again with deep and heavy sigh coming out of your mouth.
"That was just a nightmare.. and you know well that he is alive and I won't ever leave you." you told her firmly but lovingly. It was heartbreaking to hear that she had got that upset over a dream. "I promise you will be okay, just go back to sleep.." you added and smiled at her, hoping that she would respond.
"But what about your nightmare?" she asked then and you felt Loki's eyes on your back.
"It's long gone like yours, and not real at all." you replied firmly and tried to ignore Loki's worried look in his eyes.

"Okay little one, time to listen to your big sister and put that head back on your pillow." Loki suddenly ordered Morgan as he took few steps closer to you two. Morgan just frowned and stuck her tongue out again.
"You're really annoying." Morgan grumbled and turned around in her bed to face the wall and get you and Loki out of her sight.
"You're not that bad either, little one." Loki teased her with a smirk on his face as you stood up again.
"Good night." you told her then and walked out of her room, Loki heading out first.

"I still don't know how you do that." you huffed as you carefully closed the door behind you. Loki just smirked mischievously in return.
But as you too started to walk back to your rooms, Loki's face got more serious and concerned, and it made you wonder a lot.

"What is it?" you decided to ask after a few minutes of silence. You knew very well what it was about, but you still decided to be polite and ask. It didn't take much from you two to fight if you started the conversation in the wrong way.
".. nothing.. I was just worried. You left without saying anything." he replied dryly while you were getting closer to your floor. But after you had taken your last steps and entered on your floor, you grabbed his arm and stopped him.
"You know something.." you told him firmly. Loki shook his head and huffed. He tried his best to shut you out of this, but you can't get that easily distracted from things. "It is about that 'nightmare', isn't it? You knew about it and looked for me very worried, even though it was just a nightmare." you continued and reached for his eyes. But you saw on his face that something was wrong and he looked very unsure about something.

"Right?" you asked as you realized what he might had been thinking about. Loki looked like he wasn't paying attention at all and his eyes were wandering around the floor. He was buried in his thoughts. "Loki?" you grumbled and waved your hand in front of his eyes to bring him back to this world. And then he flinched and finally turned to look at you again. He sighed heavily and gave you a little smile as he placed his hands on your shoulders.
"Yes darling I knew, but I assure you.. there's nothing you should be worried about. It was just a nightmare." he replied then. "But I still think that we should start to take more time to heal your mind for now on, love. We need to get those disturbing dreams out of there." Loki added and gave you a big confident smile. You nodded in reply and wrapped your arms around him to give him a hug you really needed.
But even though Loki had sounded convincing and confident about your dreams, you still doubted. Something was obviously wrong and you needed to find that out somehow. You needed to know what was happening inside your head.


You were having your breakfast at 2 pm after your rough night with your little sister. And as you were enjoying your cereal, Steve stormed in, Thor and Nat behind him. They were all wearing their battle suits.
"What's wrong?" Tony asked while he was sipping his coffee with Bruce and giving a popsicle to your little sister in the kitchen.
"We got a call from Fury, ...Hydra." Steve replied and glanced quickly at you.
"He needs us all." Nat added.

"Better get going then, is Reindeer Games coming too?" Tony grumbled after Loki had appeared next to Thor and greeted you telepathically.
"As I said already.. he needs us all." Nat murmured and rolled her eyes.
You were ready to get on your feet too, but your father stopped you before you could.
"Nope, not you young lady." he told you dryly and you rolled your eyes immediately in return. "You're still injured from the last battle and I am not letting you go near to those Hydra bastards anymore." he told you then before you could even protest.

/I don't believe I say this, but you should listen to him love./  Loki told you then and you gave a quick glare at him in reply. It wasn't helpful at all that he was agreeing with your father.

"You gotta be kidding me.." you grumbled as you realized that you really didn't have much of a choice.
"Don't worry kid, besides Peter is here to keep you some company." Tony smirked as Peter walked in and looked extremely confused. You saw on Loki's face how he had changed his whole opinion about this in seconds, and the jealousy and anger glowed in his eyes.

/You wanted me to listen to Tony remember?/ you decided to take your chance to tease him and you earned just an angry huff and eye rolling from him.

"Let's go team." Steve ordered then and they all left again and you saw how Thor had to drag his stubborn brother out of the room.

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