chapter twenty-two

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Later on the evening you were sitting behind your desk and reading your book. You had managed to convince Clint to leave you alone before your father would ground him too or something even worse. Besides, you didn't need anyone there to lay their pity on you.

But then you heard that disturbing knocking on your door like always when you just had wished to be alone.

"Darling?" Loki said and walked in and closed the door carefully behind him. You took your eyes off of your book and stood up from your chair. You knew why he was in here.

"What the hell happened?" he asked as he walked over to you.

"Laura... she told my father that I had been threatening and bullying her since the day she had arrived with her uncle." you sighed. You didn't feel like getting angry about it anymore, you were too drained and frustrated that you didn't even have the energy to feel so.
"She did what?!" Loki grumbled and his overprotective mode popped out of him.
"I swear I gonna-" he continued and then tried to turn around to obviously go and find her, but you grabbed his arm and stopped him right there.
"Don't make this worse." you grumbled at that hot-headed god.
"But you didn't do it! I-"

"Do you want my father to find out about this? If you go down there and tell him that you did it, you could might as well just go and find some caskets for us." you murmured firmly and tried to make him understand how impulsively he was acting right now.
"But your father is such an oaf if he believes her words!" Loki grumbled back, and you had to admit how good it sounded like when someone else mocked your father.
"Just like pretty much everyone in this tower does..." you huffed and walked on the couch and let go of his hand. Loki looked at you stunned and then followed you.

"You're talking about me aren't you?" Loki sighed as he sat down and attached his eyes with yours. You didn't want to sound like a jealous girlfriend and definitely you weren't one, but after your relationship with Peter, you had got little suspicious with boys. And it was even harder to trust them nowadays after everything you've been through.
"I saw the way you looked at her when she talked you yesterday... and the days before that." you mumbled in embarrassment and not wanting to actually admit that you might had been just a little jealous.
"Darling.. you really thought that I was.." Loki started as he grabbed your hand gently into his. "Seriously Y/N... after all these absurd things we had been throug and all that stuff I had done to prove my interest in you, you can't still be doubting me." Loki said with bit of offended tone in his voice. Then you looked back into his emerald green eyes again and you saw the innocence behind them.
"I don't know... I just-" you stuttered but didn't actually know should you apologize or explain or what. Laura had managed pretty well to mess with your mind and made you to start doubting Loki's aims again.

But then Loki sighed heavily as he stood up.
"I understand.." he said then, still sounding offended as he started to walk away. But you managed to grab his hand as you stood up too.

You weren't going to lose someone you loved again, not anymore.

Loki turned around as you walked closer and lifted up his hand. You guided his hand above your head and let his fingers touch your forehead.

"Are you sure-?" Loki asked stunned of your actions, and you nodded in return.
"I do trust you." you replied and you saw how those words affected Loki as he smiled carefully in return. Then you closed your eyes and let him come inside to your mind.


"Y/N? Y/N wake up." you heard a soft voice above your head. You opened your eyes and saw Loki smiling at you while he was stroking your hair. You were lying on your couch, your head on his lap.
Then you managed to sat up carefully with Loki's help.
"What.. happened?" you asked as you rubbed your neck and tried to remember, but your last clear memory was that moment when you had sweared your trust to Loki.
"It's alright, this happens on the first times. I lost my consciousness too couple of times when my mother started to heal my mind." Loki explained while you still tried to get your thoughts back together.
"I can't-... I can't remember anything after I had let you inside." you mumbled and looked up at him.
"And that's normal too love." Loki replied little amused.

"So, did you find anything interesting from here?" you teased him then with smirk on your face.
"Perhaps I did." he teased back with that mischievous grin of his on his lips, and it earned a laugh from you. "See? I told you I wouldn't hurt you." he added then and placed his hand on your cheek. You couldn't help blushing as you looked down at your hands. But then you suddenly felt him leaning closer and then you felt his cold lips on yours.

What a gentle kisser he was.

But then a knock on your door broke your kiss as it scared the hell out of you.
"Kid?" you heard your father's voice. "Could you open the door?" he asked, sounding still bit of too serious. You sighed in relief as you realized that you had accidentally remembered to lock your door.
"Hide." you whispered to Loki as you started to drag him into your bedroom. "Stay quiet."

Then you walked over to your door to open it to your father.
"What do you want?" you grumbled at him from the doorway.
"Let me in, we need to talk." he told you firmly and pushed himself through the door into your room. And your heart was beating like crazy right now.

What if he finds Loki?

"Sit." Tony murmured dryly and pointed at your couch where he had welcomed himself on already. You tried to hid your fear as best as you could as you sat down next to him.
"So, I talked with your mother earlier.." he started and you saw the disappointment in his eyes. "And she wasn't happy about your behavior at all, but..."

Your eyes always widened a little in hope when you heard that 'but' in the middle of his sentences.

"She thought that it would be better that we don't keep you grounded after all, since Laura and Sam are leaving tomorrow and your little sister's birthday is coming in two days too." Tony sighed. You knew that he would've wanted to keep you grounded since he had be threatening you with it earlier, and taking back those threats seemed to be embarrassing to him. You tried hard not to even smile while he talked, but hearing that your father couldn't stand up against your mother and also the fact that Laura and her uncle are leaving tomorrow were making you to want to smile so badly.

"But we still decided to keep you grounded until they leave." he added then before you could get too excited.
"So two days Y/N, that's all I'm offering." Tony grumbled.

"Are you still mad at me?" you decided to ask firmly as you had tried to get something out of his emotions.
"Yes a bit, but mostly disappointed." Tony replied dryly as he stood up and you followed his lead.
"But I didn't do it." you still tried to convince him. It was frustrating that no one in here believed you except Loki, but he wasn't much of a help right now.
"I can't believe you're still trying to lie to me! Stop now before I change my mind about the grounding." Tony murmured then and you could even feel how Loki wanted to come out of your bedroom and stand up for you so badly. But it wouldn't look good at all if he pops out of your bedroom anyways.

Then you gave a glare at your father who was also glaring at you threateningly.
"Two. Days." he grumbled then and walked over to your door. "And clean your room." he huffed right before he closed your door.

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