chapter thirteen

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You had tried to convince Loki to stay in the tower but he had insisted to join you for shopping.

And after you had went through every single shop in town, Morgan had finally found what she had been looking for. It had taken her almost the whole day to find a single doll she really wanted to give her friend.

"Since we skipped the lunch, we could just get something to eat on our way back to home. What do you think?" you asked your little sister who looked so happy with her gift.
"Yes!! I want a cheeseburger!" she exclaimed in excitement. Then you turned to look at that bored and tired looking god who was standing next to you.
"Sure, as long as we can get the hell away from here." he snarled in exhaustion. Then you three headed towards the tower, planning to grab some burgers on your way there.

"I said you should've had stayed in the tower." you teased Loki while he was slouching beside you.
"I just can't understand how long does it take to choose a doll." he grumbled and rolled his eyes. You grinned in return. It was amusing to see him like that.

After you had got your cheeseburgers, (even Loki decided to take one after you had convinced that it would be worth it), you walked back to the tower.
"So, what do you think?" you grinned after he had took his first bite. Loki looked little disgusted first, but then he took another bite.
"It's not bad actually, little weird tasting." he admitted. Morgan chuckled a little at Loki.
"You're weird." she blurted and it made Loki to raise his eyebrows.
"I'm weird? You know what little midgardian.."

"Okay you two stop already, I'm done hearing your constant arguing all the time." you snarled at those two. Morgan stuck her tongue out at Loki who just rolled his eyes at her. That relationship between them was something new and unpredictable.


"Y/N? Where have you..." your father started when you entered back to the tower. That little trip of yours into town had took a lot more time than you had expected. "..What were you doing there with him??!" Tony pointed at Loki and rushed to grab Morgan into his arms.

"We were just shopping, Mother asked me to get a present for Morgan's friend for her birthday tomorrow since you two hadn't got it done earlier." you grumbled at him.
"I told you not to be with him! Why can't you do what I say? You even had Morgan with you, it's dangerous!" Tony grumbled and glared at Loki, who looked like he would had wanted to argue back if Thor hadn't grab him from his arm and pulled him further.
"We had fun dad!" Morgan replied, she was trying to stand up for you once again and you really appreciated it.
"No, it was dangerous sweetie." Tony softened his voice as he talked to your little sister.

"And you, never do that again, ever. You literally have no respect at all, I am very disappointed." Tony added as he looked at you.
"Stark... you might just overreact a little too much now, nothing happened." Thor interrupted your arguing. He clearly wanted to stand up for his brother.
"You and that kidnapper brother of yours can stay the hell out of this." Tony growled at him which made Thor shut Loki's mouth pretty quickly before he could get himself back into one of Asgard's cells.
"Loki is here to make up those things he had done while he was brainwashed and you have to admit Stark, he had acted well ever since we had got in here. If your daughter doesn't have a problem with my brother I don't think we should either." Thor said firmly, still little offended that Tony was against everything what comes to his brother.

"Tony, I think Thor is right. Loki had behaved surprisingly well, you don't need to punish Y/N for that." Steve said too, the whole team had been listening your conversation from the very beginning. You were actually pretty surprised and flattered that Thor and Steve were trying to help you and Loki with your stubborn father.
"You heard the captain's words." Loki grumbled and then grinned to annoy your father even more.

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