chapter thirty-three

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"I don't know about this Loki, this is not going to end well." you snarled as Loki sat down on the driver's seat and you buckled up.
"Oh come on, trust the god of mischief. Tony won't ever find out we stole his car. Besides he told you to pick up your little sister so basically he just handed you the keys." Loki replied with zero worries.
"But I can't drive!.. Can you even do that?" you asked then as you realized that Asgard definitely didn't have cars.
"How hard can it be? I can ride a horse, this can't be so much harder." he replied while his eyes were wandering through the car. His answer didn't calm your nerves at all and it was even worse to notice how he clearly had no idea where he was getting himself into.

"Turn the key..." you sighed and pointed at the car key in the lock.
"Right.." he smirked and started the car.

"We're so dead already.." you sighed as Loki drove out of the garage straight on the streets.
"Relax darling." he said while you tightened your grip as he started to speed up.

Your way to Morgan's friend was very terrifying and you even thought that this was how your life would end. Loki didn't care at all about traffic rules (even though he didn't even know anything about them), and his driving was reckless. But somehow he had managed to get you in front of the right house without any bruises or accidents, and now you two were waiting for that little sister of yours.

"Hey, did you have a good time?" you asked after Morgan had climbed on the backseat.
"Yes!" she exclaimed, but then her jaw dropped as she saw Loki behind the steering wheel.
"You can't drive!" she grumbled immediately at Loki who tried his best to look as offended as possible.
"Yes I actually can, little miss. And I drove here pretty well, don't you think?" Loki smirked and then looked at you.
"For a god, yes." you teased him and it earned laughs from Morgan.
"You mortals really are unbelievable." Loki huffed as he tried to start the car again.
And with a little help from you and snarling from Morgan how she didn't trust Loki's driving skills, he got the car started and you three headed back to the tower.

"See? I wasn't that bad." Loki said to Morgan who was climbing out of the car.

"But you stole my daddy's car!" she replied instead while Loki gave her a massive eyeroll.
"And we should keep it as a secret, don't you think?" you told her immediately, in fear that she would tell Tony and then you two would be screwed.
"Okay, if I can get a popsicle." Morgan replied then and grinned as you stepped into the elevator.
Loki grinned and tried hard not to laugh at you as you gave an angry glare at him. He really seemed to enjoy that Morgan had a bit of mischief in her too.
"Fine.." you sighed and shook your head. "But you two go ahead into upstairs while I get your popsicle from kitchen." you added and looked at Loki who got the hint. It would be still too risky to all of you to go there together.

Then you left Morgan with Loki as you stepped out of the elevator and headed alone into the kitchen.

"Oh hi Y/N." Peter greeted you immediately as you walked in. You hadn't expected to see him so you got actually pretty scared, and also relieved that Loki wasn't with you right at the time. You really didn't wanna know what would have happened then.
"Hi.." you replied and then glanced at his hand which was holding a glass of something that smelled like alcohol and party.
"I was actually looking for you at the party, but I didn't see you anywhere." Peter said as you grabbed the popsicle for Morgan.
"Oh, I didn't want to come.. and I needed to be with Morgan." you told him. You felt like you didn't want to tell him that your own father hadn't invited you and instead he had chosen to invite your ex boyfriend.
"Oh okay.. Do you need any help with her or..?" he asked then very innocently.
"No.. we'll be fine." you replied dryly, and then after you had said your goodbyes to him, you walked away as fast as possible. His suggestion had been very weird in your opinion.

"Finally!" Morgan shouted as you entered into Loki's room where they had gone.
"Yes finally indeed, this little kid is getting into my nerves." Loki grumbled and Morgan stuck her tongue out at him. "What took you so long?" he asked then as Morgan jumped on his bed to eat her popsicle.
"I.. I ran into Peter actually." you decided to tell him, being a little afraid what his reaction would be.
"Peter? And what the hell did he want?" Loki murmured. Looked like he still remembers clearly the events of the night when you all had gathered into the common room to watch a movie together.
"Nothing, he was coming from the party and just offered his help with Morgan." you shrugged and hoped that Loki wouldn't draw any mindless conclusions from it. You saw a little jealousy in his eyes as he mumbled something you couldn't hear properly and then walked over to his couch and sat down.

You gave a quick glance at Morgan who was now happily eating her popsicle and coloring her notebook she had had with her. Then you sat down on the couch with Loki who had already pulled out his book.

"What's wrong?" you asked and placed your hand gently above his book to see his face. You actually did know what was wrong, but you wanted to give him a chance to tell it to you by himself first.
"Nothing.." he grumbled.
"Hey, no more secrets, if you still remember?" you murmured back.
And then you got your attention as he laid the book down on his lap.
"I saw how he looked at you that night." he sighed, and then you both checked quickly on Morgan that she was distracted enough so she couldn't hear you.
"And you think I might be still interested in him?" you asked directly as you already knew where this conversation would lead. Then Loki looked away, but you grabbed his chin gently and turned his eyes on you. You sighed heavily while you gathered your words together."I'm not interested in him, not anymore. And I hope you believe that, like I believed you when you told me there was nothing going on between you and that girl in Asgard....
Besides, I would never want him back, because I want you. And I.. I only love you." you told him firmly but with hint of love in your voice as you placed your hand on his cheek. It was still little hard to express your feelings but you really tried your best.
Loki smiled a little as he grabbed your free hand into his. "And I believe you, like you believed me. I just don't trust that little bastard at all, but I do trust you. And I love you too, love." he said softly and then leaned forwards to kiss you. It was very relieving that you had managed to make him believe you that fast.

But your kiss was broken quickly as you two heard snarling right next to you.
"Eww, that's disgusting!" Morgan whined and it earned laughs from both of you.
"You're gonna experience such things when you're older, little one." Loki replied with a smirk on his face.
"Ew never!" Morgan replied, and you rolled your eyes in reply while Loki shook his head in amuse. You really loved their friendship, even though they weren't going to admit that they even liked each other, which was just kind of cute.

Rest of your evening went fast as Loki read Morgan's favorite book again and you two were listening to him, very entranced. You found it kind of calming to listen to his voice actually.

But then you noticed soon how tired Morgan was as she yawned and her eyes were almost closed already.
"Okay little girl, I think it's time for your bed." you told her, interrupting Loki's reading which seemed to be very relieving to him. He didn't quite enjoy that princess book of Morgan's at all.
"Not yet!" she snarled and forced herself to keep her eyes open.
"You should do as she says little miss." Loki told her firmly as he closed the book. Morgan looked first like she was going to protest like usual, but then, for your surprise, she gave up and let you to pick her up on your arms. Loki really has some influence over her.


You finally entered back to your floor after you had carried Morgan into her room to sleep. But as you stepped out of the elevator, you saw Peter behind your door.
"What are you doing in here?" you asked immediately as he noticed you. Peter looked little shocked and nervous as he walked over to you.
"I needed to tell you something." he replied and rubbed nervously the back of his neck.

And the only thought that came into your mind at the time was..

'oh fuck'

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