chapter twenty-nine

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You two sat there a long time in silence, just waiting that either one of you would say something. There was a lot of tension you could sense and you really hoped that it wouldn't blow up.

"Can you tell me now what the hell happened in Asgard?" you decided to speak up since it seemed like it was too hard for Loki to do so. But he just sighed heavily and looked away. "I really hope you just didn't come here to sit and be silent. I have noticed that something happened to you, and you should know that you can tell it to me." you added dryly, but also with a little hint of love in your voice. You wanted him to know that you were here for him, just like he had been for you.

Then Loki turned to look at you and there was something different in his eyes and in the way he looked at you. Like he had never actually experienced the feeling that there really were someone who he could trust.

"It's.. it's complicated." Loki mumbled.

"Just tell me.." you replied softly.

"No you don't understand-" Loki started.
"How can I not understand? Loki, you literally had been avoiding me this whole time since you had got back from Asgard! And I really would like to know why!" you grumbled at him, you were frustrated and you also still feared that you had done something wrong.

"No, I need to know, seriously. Did I do something wrong?! What is it?" you kept grumbling.
"My father!" Loki raised his voice a little so he could shut your mouth for awhile. "My father.. he.."

You looked at him confused. You knew his father was a stubborn oaf and Loki wasn't the biggest fan of him.

"..He did what?" you asked carefully and tried to reach his eyes.
"He had found me a.. fiancee, Y/N." he told you finally. And you were shocked, you hadn't expected that this was the reason why Loki had acted like that since he had got back to earth.
"A.. fiancee?" you clarified, not knowing properly how you should actually react.

"Yes, and he introduced us to each other and he also forced me to.. spend time with her. He is trying to make her my bride as soon as he is ready to take me back to Asgard." Loki explained and you heard the desperate tone in his voice while he looked at you into your eyes. But before you could reply anything, you saw how the expression of regret took over Loki as he grabbed your hand gently into his.
"I'm so sorry Y/N..." he started painfully, and now you were really afraid what he was going to say.

"She.. she kissed me."

And there it was, the words you had been afraid of. You couldn't believe it, you didn't want to.
You tried to keep yourself together as you pulled your hand carefully out of his and stood up.
"Y/N.." Loki started as he stood up too.
"No. You don't need to explain anymore, I understand.." your voice started to crack. "He found you a fiancee... that's, great.."

And then you turned your back at him before he could see the tears escaping from the corner of your eyes.
You took your first steps to leave, but then he grabbed your hand before you could.

"Y/N, darling. Now you had misunderstood.." he said gently and also a bit of amuse in his voice too as he pulled you carefully closer to him. "I'm not going to take her as my bride, ever. And I definitely didn't want the kiss, but she kissed me first and I am terribly sorry that it happened." then he wiped a couple of tears from your cheek. "I only want you, and I only love you." he said gently while you looked at him deep into his green eyes. You really wanted to believe those words.

"I love you too." you replied as you placed your hand on his cheek. "And if you say the kiss meant nothing, I believe you.. because I.. I trust you." you added. It was actually harder for you to say those words after everything you had been through. There wasn't a lot of people you trusted at the time.

Loki started to smile brightly as he leaned down to kiss you softly, and it was a very long and lovely kiss.

Gosh you had missed this so much.

"I promise you, it meant nothing." he convinced you after the kiss. You just looked at him and tried to make those tears stop escaping from your eyes.

"We'll figure this out somehow ." you added and even smiled a little at him.
"We?" Loki smirked.
"I'll help you, if you accept it." you told him. You felt like you really needed to help him out of that problem since he had been helping you a long time now with your nightmares.
"I do, love." he replied and then pressed his lips again on yours.


You woke up in the morning next to that lovely god of yours, who was running his fingers through your hair while your head was lying on top of his chest.

You looked up at him to say good morning but you noticed soon that he was so deep in his thoughts and not listening you at all.

"Is everything alright?" you asked while trying to get his attention. Then Loki flinched a bit and looked at you.
"I asked, is everything alright?" you repeated.

And then he sighed.

"I was just thinking what I said to you that one night. And I feel bad for it,  I'm terribly sorry, I shouldn't had call you that." he said with hurt tone in his voice. He looked sad and anxious as he looked into your eyes.
"It's okay Loki, I'm fine." you tried to convince him. You knew he had been very pissed back then and also probably hadn't even think straight.
"No, it's not okay I-"
But you interrupted him by grabbing his chin and kissing him. And then Loki grabbed your waist and pulled you on top of him.

"Mr. Loki." Jarvis interrupted you then suddenly in the middle of your make out session.
"What?!" Loki grumbled, he was pissed because of the interruption.
"The team wants you downstairs immediately. It's urgent." Jarvis replied shortly.

Loki snarled as he sat up.
"How could they possibly need me right now? They never do." he murmured as he dressed up with using his magic. Tony's wristband wasn't so helpful anymore since Loki and Thor had 'fixed' it a little.
"Oh, Clint just texted me that they need me too." you huffed as you dressed up too. "This is weird." you added. They usually didn't need you that much either.

"We better go then." Loki smirked after you had get your clothes back on.
"But not at the same time, it's too risky." you reminded him. Loki wasn't so careful as you were and it sometimes pissed you off a little.
"Yeah yeah, trust me a little love." he teased and then stole a kiss from you before you two headed down, separately.

The whole team was suited up as you entered to the common room where Loki already had arrived couple minutes before you.
"What is this?" you asked immediately as your father walked over to you.
"We're going to a mission, and we would like you to join us this time." Steve replied. You looked at him surprised and stunned, but happy. You could finally be part of the team officially, and you had been waiting for this since your school had ended.
"Really?" you asked and looked at Clint, who nodded in reply and looked extremely happy for you.

"And you are coming too brother." Thor said proudly as he grabbed Loki around his shoulders, which Loki clearly didn't like.
"We need to see if we can trust you Loki, you're part of the team now and I assume you will behave like it. Don't make me regret this." Steve told him firmly while your father glared at him. You knew Tony didn't like at all that he was coming too, but looked like he didn't have much of a choice. Loki looked pretty surprised but also bit of pleased. You knew he hadn't really enjoyed much of being inside the tower all the time, especially when there wasn't much of action for him.
But now he finally has the opportunity to prove himself to the team, and maybe to his father as well.

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