chapter fifteen

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It was already morning as you were coming out of shower and going to dress yourself up and go to the downstairs.

You looked at yourself in the mirror and your eyes attached into the necklace on your neck. You grabbed it between your fingers and looked at it more closely. It was so beautiful and lovely. You would have ever thought that Loki had an ability to buy a nice jewelry. He didn't seem like a guy who had a taste.

You walked downstairs and just right then when you entered in the kitchen, you saw Loki. And he was talking with Laura. You stopped and looked at them, they were laughing and they really seemed to have fun. You looked from aside as Laura touched Loki's arm like they were a couple and it made you...

made you-



You glared at them, but then Loki turned at you and his smile disappeared as he saw that sad look on your face. That look reminded you the time when you had still had been in school and with Peter, and you had ran up to him and Mj at the corridors and she had looked at you just like that. You felt like you always were interrupting all the fun.
Laura turned around too and she was grinning evily as she glanced at you first and then Loki.

"Morning Y/N, did you sleep well?" Laura snarled and kept grinning. You fought the urge to bunch that bitch straight at her face and decided to turn around and go back to your room without saying a word.

You rushed into your room almost tears in your eyes. All the memories of Peter and what had happened with him after you had been rescued from Hyrda floated inside you. You didn't want to experience that ever again, you didn't want to get hurt like that ever again.

You looked at the necklace Loki had gave you and then decided to take it off. You threw it on your table and glared at it in anger.

And then it hit you.

Now you knew your true feelings.

Exactly those feelings you had tried to avoid since the day Loki had said you that he had fallen in love with you.

Then you heard someone walking inside your room and for your surprise, it was Loki. He had followed you there after your rapid disappearing.
"Darling?" he asked and walked closer. He seemed to be concerned about you.
"What do you want?" you grumbled and tried to fight back your tears. You weren't going to cry in front of him.
"Is everything alright?" he asked gently, he was confused why you had left that quickly and aggressively.

You took one deep breath and leaned a bit against your table.

"No." you blurted and turned to look at him. Loki was confused and didn't understand what was going on.
"What is it? Did she do something to you?" he asked firmly.

How badly you would've wanted to say yes, but instead you stayed silent and just looked at that confused god who tried his best to understand you.

"Love?" he bid you again, waiting for you to say something.

Your heart was beating like crazy when you decided to do something unexpected and dangerous. You walked over to him, and pressed your lips against his. Loki seemed to be surprised first but then he wrapped his arm around your waist and placed his other hand on your cheek as you wrapped your arms around his neck. The kiss was long and passionate and you even had to get up on your toes because he was so much more taller than you.

And after it had felt like a long minute, you pulled yourself further, breaking the the kiss and then just stared into his surprised eyes.
You even had to held your breath while you waited for his reaction what seemed to take forever from him. Loki was speechless and stunned, and you actually enjoyed that finally someone like him, didn't know what to say. And he always knew what to say.

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