chapter twenty-three

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"What an ass." you heard Loki grumbling as he stepped out of your bedroom.
"But we got some good news though, I'm only grounded for two days." you shrugged and it was actually kind of funny that you had got just two days instead of two weeks. That had never happened before.
"We?" Loki smirked and walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. You blushed again as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Loki pulled your closer and pressed his lips against yours, and the kiss was long and passionate as you two liked.

But did I hear right? Are they leaving?" Loki asked then after he had broke the kiss.
"Yes, thank god." you sighed in relief. "And until tomorrow, you better behave well and don't start a show." you added and pointed at him with your finger. Loki sighed heavily and rolled his eyes in return.
"I won't." he snarled and it made you chuckle. You couldn't help smirking either as you realized that you had managed to bend that god under your wills.

"And now go before someone comes and finds you in here." you murmured and dragged him towards your door.


The next to days passed quickly while you stayed inside the four walls of your room and only went out to eat. Clint had visited you secretly couple of times (as always when you were grounded) to keep you some company. He had also still tried to ask questions about what had caused your grounding this time, but you hadn't been capable to tell him the truth. You still didn't want to seem weak in people's eyes.

And Loki, he visited you once during the final night of your grounding and continued with healing your mind. You still didn't like it though, but you had learned to trust him now more and it seemed to please him a lot.

And then the morning of your sister's birthday and your freedom had finally come. You jumped up from your bed and rushed to clean yourself up a bit. You knew how important day this was to Morgan and you wanted to make sure that it wouldn't be ruined. You had even got her a gift too, like you always did of course.

Then you dressed up and slipped her gift into your pocket before you left your room.

"Oh hi little mind reader! Finally free?" Thor greeted you as he walked over to your from the direction of Loki's room.
"Yes I am actually, what are you doing here?" you asked curiously as you glanced at Loki's door while you waited for the elevator to come up.
"I tried to get my brother for a breakfast with us but he was too busy come." Thor shrugged and then stepped inside the elevator you following behind.
"Too busy?" you repeated in amuse and it earned a laugh from Thor too. He didn't seem to get it either what was so important for Loki to do that he couldn't join you for breakfast yet.

Then the door slid open and you two entered into the dining room where others were already eating their breakfast. You had actually expected them all to be mad at you, but seemed like they hadn't even noticed that you had been grounded again. And after you had got your breakfast with Thor, you sat down with them and they treated you like nothing had happened, even Steve did too. He was his normal self again and he treated you like he usually did and it felt really good.

Or maybe they just didn't want to ruin the day from Morgan, but either way it still felt good and you were glad that everything seemed to be even temporarily alright.

"So where is that little birthday girl of ours?" Nat asked while no one seemed to pay attention that Morgan and your mother hadn't arrived for breakfast yet.
"I think they'll be up in the second." Tony shrugged and kept reading his newspaper.

While you waited for your little sister to arrive, Loki came in instead and joined you for breakfast after all (which didn't seem to please your father that much).
"What was that important that you had to come late brother?" Thor asked his mouth full of cereal, he was always so curious about his brothers doings.
"None of your business." Loki murmured and sipped his tea while he gave a smile at you in secret.

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