chapter thirty-eight

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"Finally, everyone's on board!" Clint announced to Nat as Loki was the last one who appeared in the jet. Nat nodded in reply and started to get the jet in the air.
You all took your usual seats and like normal, you sat next to Thor. Tony took his seat right next to Loki and started his endless glaring. He still wanted to make sure that Loki wouldn't do anything that would put you all in danger. Even Steve had started to trust the god of mischief more, but your father had no hope for that. Tony hated Loki and there was no coming back, even though you still wanted to give a little hope for that.

Your flight went well as you were talking with Loki telepathically and tried hard not to laugh or smile so that your father wouldn't notice it.

"Was your date night with Loki good?" Thor whispered suddenly, breaking your intensive talking with Loki. You turned to look at Thor very quickly and shocked.
"How do you know about that??" you asked confused and stunned. Thor smirked and gave a glance at his brother before answering you.
"I heard it from-"

But Thor couldn't finish as something hit your jet and you fell on the floor.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" Thor asked and knelt down next to you while Nat tried to balance the jet.
"I'm fine.." you replied as you sat up with the help of Thor while Loki tried his hard to look like he didn't care. You knew it was hard to both of you to try to stay away from another.

"What was that?" Steve asked while he was helping Bruce who had fell too and making sure he wasn't going to turn into Hulk.
"Looks like we finally got our way to the destination." Clint replied as he was looking out of the window. Nat tried her best to dodge the coming attacks from the other ship what was following you.
"Get us down on the field!" Steve ordered and Nat did was he said.

Then Nat landed the jet successfully on the ground since she was an excellent pilot.

"Okay everyone, here's the plan." Steve started like usual as you all gathered around him.
You got your orders and then you all ran on the field together. You were supposed to go with Nat and try to eliminate as much your enemies as possible. And as you were following Nat towards the fight, you watched how Clint got back into the air with the jet to eliminate those possible risks in there.

"Okay guys be careful, these things don't look friendly." Steve told you through your earphone while he was rushing to eliminate the threats with Loki and Thor.
"No kidding.." you mumbled by yourself while you were looking around the field and learning. You had no idea where you were getting yourself into. Those looked like some kind of aliens too and you literally had no idea where these things where coming from every now and then. It was awfully frustrating.

You and Nat were a pretty good team together. She had taught you to fight sometimes so you two had similar fighting skills and it made your teamwork even easier.
"Watch out!" you shouted at Nat who dodged down as you threw a dagger towards the alien behind her and stopped it from killing Nat.
"Nice throw." she admitted as you offered your hand to her and helped her up.
"Thanks." you smirked.

"Does anyone had the slightest idea where these pals are coming from?" Nat asked then as you both looked around the field to find the source of these things.
"I see nothing." Tony replied while he was flying in the air and shooting those aliens down.
"Well, it's gotta be somewhere." you heard Thor's voice. And he was right though, they just couldn't appear from nowhere, or at least they shouldn't.

"Wait.. Nat look." you said after you had glanced down on the ground at the alien you had just killed. Nat walked over to you and knelt down to see what you were pointing at.
"Hydra.." Nat grumbled as she saw the same logo on its arm what you had discovered a minute ago.
"What did you say?" Steve asked shocked and you heard him knocking down one alien too.
"Look at its arm Steve, there's a Hydra's logo." Nat replied concerned as she stood up and looked into your eyes.

"So does it mean that these are Hydra's doings?" you heard Tony grumbling from the air.
"These could be some kind of human experiments, these don't look normal but I don't think they're from space either." Nat replied while she had knelt back on the ground to study the 'alien'.
"What do you think Thor? Loki?" Steve asked then.
"I haven't seen anything like this before, I don't think they're from space." Thor replied immediately, sounding concerned and confused at the same time.
"Me either." Loki huffed and you heard a squeak through the earphone as Loki stabbed one of the aliens to death.

While others tried to figure out what the hell was going on, you tried your best to stay calm. Now that you had discovered that there was Hyrda's logo in those alien's or so called human experiments' arms, Hydra couldn't be far away. And now you were afraid that they would find you and finish the job they had started and make those nightmares come true. Even though you weren't even sure anymore if they were nightmares or something else, something worse. And Loki's reaction told you otherwise when you had told him about them.

/Y/N?/ you heard then suddenly Loki's voice inside your head. You turned around and tried to look for him, and then found him little further from you at the field.  /Calm down, they're not gonna hurt you./ he added after he had noticed that he had got your attention. But you just rolled your eyes in return.
/I'm alright./ you huffed, although you didn't want to admit that hearing his voice had actually helped you to calm down more immediately when you had heard it. You still wanted to seem strong and not weak.

But then your 'conversation' was distracted as you heard a loud shooting noices up from the sky. You looked up and saw the jet dodging the coming attacks from behind it. You watched how one of them managed to shoot the jet's engine and make it explode.
"Clint what's happening?!" Nat asked concerned as she watched how Clint was trying his best to keep the jet in the air.
"I just got shot if you didn't notice, and I would prefer not to die so I'm trying to keep this thing in the air." Clint huffed sarcastically. But then all sudden, the other alien ship shot the jet's another engine and it started to drop towards the ground. Tony flew there to help to destroy the ships, but it didn't help Clint's uncontrollable falling.

Your eyes widened in shock as you saw him falling down and crashing to the ground.
"CLINT!" you shouted and started to run towards the ship. The team started to ran after you but those aliens weren't helping the situation at all.
"Y/N don't go there!" Steve yelled into the earphone as you were reaching your way to the burning jet. And then, just right when you had almost got your way there, the jet exploded, right in front of your eyes. You flew on your back as the blast threw your further from the jet.

Nat ran over to you immediately and helped you up.

"CLINT!!" you shouted again into your earphone after you had managed to stood up again. "Clint answer to me!" you begged while you were staring into the flames, Nat was just standing next to you, looking as stunned as you were. You tried to shout and call Clint, but you didn't hear anything, you didn't hear his voice.

"No no no no." you started to panic and run towards the jet, or the pieces what was left.
"Y/N no! It's too dangerous!" Nat shouted and tried to ran after you. But you didn't listen, your best friend was in there and you needed to save him. He couldn't be dead, no he couldn't. You wouldn't ever forgive yourself if you find him dead in there. No, you needed to find him, he needed to be alive,

you needed him.

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