chapter twelve

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"Ahh finally!" Tony snarled as you walked in with your hands full of groceries. Loki drew an angry glare at your father as he walked over you to grab one of the bags.
"You should show more respect." Loki grumbled at Tony. Thor slapped his forehead with his palm while Steve and Clint looked little shocked that Loki literally had the attitude to talk Tony like that. Loki wasn't in the good situation in others eyes anyway, so arguing with Tony wasn't a good idea at all. And who would know that better than you?

"You have no rights to talk to me about respect, Reindeer games. I think it would be better for you to stay quiet if you don't want to end up back in that cosy cell you had in Asgard." Tony grumbled with threatening tone in his voice. Your father didn't like Loki and he never would. You knew that.

Everyone did.

Loki looked like he was going to protest, but without letting anyone notice, you slapped his hand a little as a sign to not do that. Loki got your message and he shut his mouth before it was too late.
"Wise decision." Tony murmured and grabbed one of the bags from your hand and walked back to the table.
Meanwhile Thor, you and Loki walked back into the kitchen and started to refill the fridge and the cabinets.

"Mr Stark." you heard Jarvis suddenly calling your father. Tony mumbled something in return.
"There's an attack in city nearby, Director Fury wanted the team there asap." Jarvis continued. It looked like the message had woken up the whole team. They were up on their feet the second Jarvis had called them.

"Alright team, you heard Jarvis, we need to move." Steve ordered and everyone did what he said.

"Hold on." Tony stopped you before you could leave to prepare for the mission as well.
"You're staying here." he continued and it earned a heavy sigh and snarling from you.
"You're not ready to come back to the field yet, you are staying here.
Besides your mother is busy with her job today, so your sister needs someone to watch over her." Tony bid you, and you couldn't be angrier. You really would've liked to get back into normal life and join the missions when your school was finally over.
"But I am ready!" you snarled.
"You're not, and we're not discussing about this any longer." your father replied dryly.

"And Loki is staying too, we can't take him with us, it's a too big risk." Steve added after he had appeared back in his captain america armor.
"There's no way I am leaving my daughter alone in here with him." Tony grumbled then and glared at Loki who was standing further with his brother by his side.
"Don't worry Tony, Bruce is staying here too." Steve replied and pointed at Bruce who was doing his usual stuff with his laptop. Tony looked little suspicious first but then nodded as an accept.

"Okay, you stay with Bruce and your sister when she comes... And stay a far away from him." Tony told you firmly and glanced angrily at Loki who didn't look that pleased either.

And after Tony had threatened Loki enough, they left for they mission and left you there once again. You loved to be in the missions with others when they allowed you to come, only then you felt like you were really a part of the team.

"Oh here you are!" Pepper smiled as she walked in with Morgan following behind.
"Are you gonna be alright? Do you have everything you need?" she added while she was hugging your little sister in hurry. Your mother seemed to be late from her work again.
"I think we're going to be just fine." you replied firmly, still feeling little pissed that the team had left you here behind and now you had to babysit your sister. You loved Morgan of course, but you just really weren't in the mood for playing around.
"Good, I need to get going before I am too late." Pepper replied. "Oh, I almost forgot, Loki's room is finally ready. It's in the 91st floor." She added as she walked over the elevator.
"But that's the same floor as..." you started but your mother had already vanished into the elevator.

You turned to look at Loki who look a bit confused. Then you picked up Morgan who looked little scared of Loki.

"Are you that bad guy my father told me about?" Morgan asked Loki while she was tightening her grip around your neck. Loki looked first little surprised but then he smirked and laughed.
"If you meant to ask if I was the mighty god of mischief, then yes, I'm guilty." he teased your sister while you rolled your eyes at him.
"Gods are not real!" Morgan chuckled and looked at Loki with disbelieving look on her face. Loki looked stunned by your sister's words.
"You don't believe in gods, little girl?" Loki asked mischievously as he grinned. You were actually pretty surprised how well he acted around your little sister.

"No!" Morgan replied firmly. She loved to tease that god of mischief as well. She had started to remind even more and more like her big sister.
Loki smirked and shook his head while you put Morgan down from your arms. "I guess I need to show you your room then." you said dryly, interrupting their argument. You knew you had promised to your father that you would stay away from Loki, but since when you had listened him or do what he had said anyway.

"What you are waiting for then? Let's go!" Morgan exclaimed, she was already excited and running to the elevator. You glanced at Bruce who looked like he was so absorbed into his working that he didn't even seem to notice that you were breaking your father's will.

Then you all three headed to the floor where Loki's room lied.
"Are you two in the same floor? Cool!" Morgan asked curiously as you stepped in. Loki seemed to realize it too and he turned to look at you.
"My father is not gonna be happy about this." you murmured and led them to the room. You opened the door and walked in. Loki's new room was already decorated and ready to move in.

"It's... nice." Loki admitted like it was very hard for him to flatter anything that was made by Tony. Morgan was already exploring the room, ignoring the fact that it wasn't hers. Morgan didn't seem to be scared of Loki anymore. You had always admired how brave and defiant she was.

You were amazed that his room was decorated so nicely. There was a large bed and comfy looking couch. There was even a little bookshelf with two books in it. Thor had probably get those for his brother.
"Morgan!" you grumbled at your sister as she started to jump on Loki's bed. It was one of her main habits. Loki looked curiously from aside as you rushed to grab her in your arms. He was pretty confused by your sister's actions.

"You had never jumped on the bed when you were a child?" you huffed and let Morgan down on her feet as you walked out of Loki's room.
"No? Why would I? That looks ridiculous." he murmured with a little amused tone in his voice.
"No it's fun!" Morgan argued when she heard Loki's words. Loki raised his eyebrows and was planning to protest, but you decided to shut his mouth by poking him at his arm.

"Your sister is savage." Loki grumbled as you two watched her running through the corridors to get back to the kitchen for lunch.
"Savage?" you laughed, sounding a bit offended.
You walked down the stairs and straight to the kitchen. Bruce wasn't in the dining room anymore and had probably went to his lab to do some work. He hadn't noticed anything since he was so absorbed into his work.

But then you got suddenly a message from your mother.
"A present?" you snarled after you had read her message. Loki looked at you and your phone curiously, he had never seen one in his life.
"We need to go to the town to get a present for Morgan's friend who has her birthday tomorrow. Why can't my parents do this stuff on time so I wouldn't have to do these kind of things?" you snarled and closed your phone.

"Do humans have to get presents for their friends on their birthday?" Loki asked. You rolled your eyes and sighed heavily.
"You don't in Asgard?" you huffed and tried to find the money your mother told you she had left for you.
"No, that's absurd!" Loki grumbled and tried hard to avoid your sister who was constantly trying to tease him.
"Of course it is.." you murmured and took the money which you finally had found.

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