chapter fourteen

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It was almost noon as you were heading to the kitchen for your late breakfast. You had fallen asleep again after the sun had already risen, your conversation with Loki had taken a little bit too long.

"Look who decided to wake up finally." Clint teased you as you walked in. He was sitting there with Nat , Thor and Loki and they were already eating their lunch.
And after you had grabbed a few pieces of toast, you joined them too.

"Long night, huh?" Thor asked and shoved some soup into his mouth while you took a bite of your toast.
"Something like that." you replied and gave a quick glance at Loki who was trying hard not to grin. You couldn't ignore the fact that Clint was also trying very hard not to grin, he had already made his own theories about the last night.

But their grins disappeared as the elevator's door slid open and your father and Steve walked in with two other people following them behind.

"What is this?" Nat asked after she had noticed those two other people too.
"We have new inhabitants among us." Tony replied dryly while Steve guided the guests to follow him.
"You may remember Sam Wilson, the Falcon. He and his niece came here to visit." Steve introduced the man with weird wings on his back. He must be still wearing his armor.

Then suddenly your eyes attached on his niece and your jaw almost dropped on the floor.
"Nice to meet ya all again, I guess you haven't met my niece before. This is Laura Wilson." he introduced his niece.
Laura noticed you quickly after that and an evil looking grin appeared on her face. You glared at her in disgust, she had been your bully in the school after all.

"You two.. know each other?" Tony asked suddenly, breaking your angry glare after he had noticed you two staring at each other.
"Sure, we went the same school." Laura replied, sounding little too innocent to her kind. Tony smiled in return like it was a good thing.

But it wasn't.

Not at all.

"What are you exactly doing here? Is something wrong?" Nat decided to ask and interrupt you two. Meanwhile you just kept glaring at her and the feeling of anxiety tried to take over your body. You had been happy to get a far away from her after school had ended and now she was inviting herself into your home. You noticed soon too that Loki was looking at you and he looked little confused and concerned while he was probably wondering why you kept glaring at her like that.

"Nothing's wrong Nat, they just came here to visit us and Sam is going to help us with some missions too." Steve replied and laid his hand on Sam's shoulder.
"How long are you staying?" Clint asked then and moved little closer to meet them properly.
"Probably just a week." Sam replied and smiled at his niece.

That week was going to be rough one for you.

"Well Sam, why don't we get the thing started and go and meet Bruce. Laura can stay here with Y/N, I believe you two would like to hang out after not seeing each other for a long time" Tony suggested and signed Sam to follow him.

Others went to do their duties as well except Clint, Loki and Thor who stayed in the dining room with you and finished their lunch.

"So, Laura was is? How ya doing?" Thor asked his mouth full of bread while he signed her to sit down with you. Laura nodded and walked over you and sat next to Loki.
"I'm fine thanks, you're Thor right? The god of thunder who is very popular among the girls, especially in my school." she tried to flatter Thor and it literally disgusted you. Thor laughed arrogantly and grinned.
"Didn't surprise me at all." Thor laughed and you saw how Loki rolled his eyes.
"What about you? You seem new in the team, I haven't seen you before." Laura turned to look at Loki. Loki smirked and turned his eyes at her.
"I'm Loki, god of mischief." he replied mischievously and it made you to roll your eyes.
"Two gods among the Avengers? How cool is that!" Laura exclaimed and giggled annoyingly.

"So you and Y/N went to the same school?" Clint decided to ask and he gave a quick glance at you. Laura turned at you and smirked annoyingly.
"Yes we did." she replied innocently and you rolled your eyes again.

"Funny, Y/N didn't ever mention you." Clint replied and looked at you with grin on his face.
"Wonder why..." you said under your breath so no one could hear.
"Oh, that's probably because we weren't so close back then." Laura replied and grinned at you.

Thor and Clint kept chatting with Laura while you were glaring at them from aside and tried to handle your anxiety. You felt like you would've wanted to hit her in her face only just because she was talking to your best friend and acting like she hadn't ever done anything bad.
You hated her more than anyone else and you couldn't wait her to be out of your home.


Later on the evening you were on your way to kitchen again to grab some evening snack before heading to bed. On your way down, you met Loki who was going into his room.

"Hi Y/N." he greeted you mischievously but politely. You nodded in reply and kept walking to the elevator.
"Wait." he said then after you and you stopped and turned around. You raised your eyebrows in frustration because all you wanted now was to get something to your starving stomach.
"Are you alright? I saw how you glared at Laura and that didn't look like a friend's gesture." he asked with bit of mischief in his voice.
"I'm fine." you blurted and turned around to leave again, but Loki grabbed you hand to stop you.

"That isn't enough." he said firmly and pulled you little closer as you turned around.
"Enough for what?" you grumbled and glared at him into his emerald green eyes.
"To prove me that you're alright." he said and pulled you so close that your faces were again almost inches away from another.
"Loki.." you sighed and gave a glance at his lips. You knew what he wanted. "My father might see and then we're both dead."

Then you pushed yourself further from his arms and walked away, leaving him to stand there with bit of smirk but also disappointment on his face.

You rushed to the kitchen and tried to get your thoughts out of Loki. He was messing your feelings all the time and you didn't know what to do with that god of mischief. He was gentle and kind but also bad and, well.. mischievous.

You grabbed little juice box and made yourself a sandwich and then decided to go back to your room to eat them. But you got interrupted again as Laura walked in. She was alone and she had that stupid mean grin on her face.
"What's up crazy?" she laughed and poked you hard enough that it almost made you to lose your balance.
"What do you want?" you grumbled and picked up the juice box you had dropped. Laura walked into your kitchen to probably grab some snacks too.
"Oh nothing, nothing." she grinned and took a glass of water and an apple from the bowl. You kept glaring her, you knew she had something in mind but your preferred to let her tell that herself instead of reading her mind and scaring her with it again.

Although you enjoyed seeing her scared.

"I was just wondering though, how a girl like you had ever become one of the avengers? I mean, look at yourself." she fake laughed and took a bite of her apple. You clenched your fists and tried your best to not punch her. Your father wouldn't like that.
"Or are you even an avenger? You don't look like it though." she kept teasing and annoying you and it made you angry.
"Shut up already." you grumbled and then took a deep breath to calm yourself down. She grinned evily as you turned around to head back to the elevator and get the hell out of there before she comes up with more insults that just may will cause her a black eye.

/Pathetic crazy bitch./ you heard her thoughts after you had turned your back on her.

"You're the pathetic one." you blurted as the elevator's door slid open and you walked in. And just right before the door closed you enjoyed the view of her scared face after she had realized what you had just done again.

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