chapter forty-six

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"How long has that thing been going on with Reindeer Games?!" Tony grumbled at you after you had entered back to the common room. You looked at Loki who was being held tightly by his arm by Thor himself.
"Ever since he moved here." you blurted out. Now that he had found out about you two, you could might as well just tell him the whole truth.
"WHAT?!" Tony raised his voice. You saw from the corner of your eye how Loki tried to struggle himself out of Thor's strong grip. "I can't believe it! Did he make you do this? Did he threat you? I swear I'm gonna-"
"No!" you raised your voice at him. "I am with him by my own will! He hadn't done anything bad but just helped me. Loki is not a bad person anymore!" you grumbled. It always made your blood boil when your father was being disrespectful towards Loki.

Loki turned to look at you and you noticed how your words had got under his skin. You knew how he felt about himself, how he hated himself for doing all those things to you. He had told you a lot about it. And you also knew how badly he was treated among his family in Asgard. He probably hadn't expected you to ever say anything like that, and even though he might be questioning it somewhere in the future, you really had meant it.
"It is really hard for me to believe it Y/N." Tony murmured and gave a long glare at Loki. "And it's hard for me to believe that you literally had fallen into that reckless god's arms! What the hell is wrong with you?! What would your mother even think about this!" Tony kept raising his voice and you frowned back in anger.

"Tony you should-" Steve tried to calm your father down but he interrupted him with an aggressive glare.
"This has nothing to do with you so I recommend you to stay out of this and let me handle my own daughter." Tony growled at him very threateningly as he raised his finger as a warning sign. Steve lifted his hands up and gave up immediately. And you actually appreciated the gesture this time, you wanted to keep everyone else out of this fight. You didn't want anyone to suffer because of you anymore.

"What the heck is going on in here?" you heard suddenly your mother from the stairs. She was returning from her duties in town with your little sister. "Your yelling echoes all the way down there."
"Well, Pepper, I just found out that these two.." Tony pointed at you and Loki. "have had a secret relationship behind my back. So yes, I have a very good reason to yell!" Tony started to loose it again. Pepper instead, looked at you very stunned.
"Steve, would you mind to take Morgan back to her room?" Pepper asked Steve, keeping his eyes at you while she talked. Steve agreed and lifted Morgan into his arms.
"I'm coming too." Nat said, she hated fighting and wanted to get out of there as well. "You too." she added firmly and looked at the god brothers.
"He is not going anywhere." Tony grumbled and pointed at Loki.
"I'm certainly not." Loki grumbled back instead and broke himself out of Thor's hands. He walked over to you like a one big protective guardian dog.

And after the others had disappeared, your mother turned at you and your father.
"What the hell had happened in here?" she asked and looked around her. Only then you realized how one big mess the room was after you had snapped and attacked your team.
"I'll tell you later, I need to handle these two first." Tony murmured and took few steps closer. "Now, I need some explanation young lady."

But you just glared at him in return. You definitely weren't going to explain yourself to him. You knew this wasn't going to end well anyways so why to bother.
"I don't know if your still being affected by Hydra, but being with that- ..moron, is absolutely crazy and irresponsible! And it's not going to happen." Tony grumbled.
"Watch it.." Loki grumbled in return, taking his place as your protector. But you didn't need or want it, you could handle your own father like you always had to.
"Well it already did and there's nothing you can do about it anymore." you murmured. Those things you said was like putting more gasoline into flames. And those flames were just about to burst.

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