chapter forty-three

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After the team had gone, you walked back into the kitchen to keep Morgan some company and at the same time ignoring Peter's presence.

"Hey Y/N.." Peter said then, ignoring the fact that you obviously didn't want to talk to him.
"I heard about Clint.. are you okay?" he asked and walked over to you. You didn't answer for a moment because you really didn't want to talk to him, especially about your best friend. But teaching your sister some bad manners wasn't so good idea either so you kind of had to.
"I'm fine.." you blurted and bent a false smile on your lips. Peter nodded and rubbed the back of his neck while he clearly tried to find more things to discuss about. He had always been bad at getting hints.
"Do you know if... if he is going to wake up?" he mumbled then in embarrassment and looked down at the floor. You secretly rolled your eyes and sighed heavily.
"Well to be honest.." you started but then glanced at your sister who had started to pay more attention as you had spoken up. "..yeah, I think he will." you said and gave a kind smile to Morgan who finally had finished her popsicle.
"But that's great Y/N." Peter looked at you and smiled brightly, and you had to smile back too.
"Yep.." you sighed and then looked back down, trying to ignore his presence again.

"Here my daughters are! Morgan are you ready?" Pepper walked in and greeted you all very happily which was annoying.
"Where are you guys going?" you asked pretty confused but not that surprised that they hadn't told you anything once again.
"We have some things to do in town, want to come too?" Pepper asked while she was helping Morgan to put on her jacket.
"No thanks.." you murmured. You didn't want to leave Clint in there all alone, and spending time with your mother didn't feel that great idea either.

"Ms. Potts, uhmm.. could you give me a ride? I'm going to meet Ned." Peter asked suddenly and it even surprised you that he had some courage to ask that. But at the same time you were very relieved that he had, because you really needed to be alone right now.
"Of course Peter, come on.. this way." Pepper replied with a kind smile on her face and started to led Morgan and Peter to the garage after telling you her goodbyes.

And after they had finally disappeared from your sight, you sighed in relief and leaned against the back of your chair. It felt so good to be alone for awhile.


"Heyy Clint." you said as you sat down on his bed. You had tried to distract yourself for couple of hours after the others had left, but all you had been thinking about has been Clint. So what else could you do than come to see him.
"I was wondering when you dumbass could stop teasing me and wake up?" you smirked and stroked his hair a little.
But your smile faded away quickly as you saw weird bruises on the side of Clint's head. You checked the other side as well and there was those same marks too. "What the hell had happened to you?" you wondered out loud while you looked at those bruises. They looked oddly familiar, but you didn't get anything out of your mind what it possibly could be.

"Someone did this to you.. but who?" you told him and tried very hard to find the answer inside of your head. "I assume Bruce hadn't noticed these.. or otherwise he would had told-" but then it hit you, very very hard. "Don't you tell me these might have came from... Hydra. The plane..." your eyes widened as you realized.

You needed to know, but you couldn't if you didn't..
"I'm so sorry brother.. I know I promised that I wouldn't, but I have to... I'm sorry, try to understand.." you told him then and rubbed the back of his hand with your thumb. And then you took few deep breaths and placed your hands on his cheeks. You laid your eyes on him and tried to focuse hard. You needed to try to get into his head even though you had promised not to do that ever, and even though you had failed several times now while trying it earlier on others.

It took you awhile, and after experiencing a very awful pain in your head, you had managed to get inside. You hadn't expected it to work, but somehow it had.

You went through his mind, searching for answers and looking for any kind of hints from the events before he had crashed. You actually hadn't known that you had abilities to went through someone's mind like that, but after Loki had told you what you could be capable to do after a little bit of practice, a whole new ways to use your powers had discovered to you. You hadn't practiced this ever, but you needed to know, you needed to help and possibly even save your best friend.

For minutes, there was nothing but just black and darkness. You even had started to be afraid that you might had accidentally damaged Clint's mind or worse. But then, something flashed in front of your eyes. You had managed to bring up some pieces of his memory from the moment he had crashed. You saw him flying the jet and trying to dodge those coming attacks from behind. And right before you had almost started to doubt that you might had been wrong after all, you found the missing piece of the memory. The reason why he hadn't been capable to escape the attack.

One of the aliens had broken into the jet and attacked him. And that thing hadn't been alone, there was also a man and you recognized him very well. He was that same guy who had been trying to break you and Loki while you two had been captured by Hydra.
And now that same man had managed to hurt your best friend with the help of the alien they had created. The memory was confusing and somehow affective. You couldn't hear his talking, but you managed to get few words out of it. And they were..

"Say hi to Y/N for me.."

And those words made you flinch out of Clint's mind and you opened your eyes. You were back in your world again with a horrible headache coming behind. And it only started to get worse and worse. You needed to stand up from Clint's bed while you held your head between your hands. You managed to take few more steps further from Clint before you collapsed on your knees. Your head was burning and you almost wanted to scream from that pain.
And the pain just got harder and harder even though you tried your best to shut it out. And then the world started to feel dizzy and the room started spinning. You fell on the floor still your head between your hands.

And then it all went dark..


"Well that didn't end well.." Nat sighed while she was fixing Steve's bruises.
"We got surprised, but I'm glad you're all alright." Steve replied, talking to the whole team while they were heading back to the tower.
"I hope Y/N had better day than we did." Thor huffed and leaned against the wall. He was the only one besides Loki, who hadn't got any kind of bruises at all.

"Yeah, lucky for you two that you happen to be gods." Tony grumbled while he was fixing his armor.
"Boys don't even start. I'm sick of listening that same arguing almost every day, especially when we have something else to be worried about than just who happens to be a god and who doesn't." Nat grumbled at them after she had taken the control over the jet again.
"Nat's right, and I'm pretty sure that Y/N can't take that either at a time like this." Steve agreed as he stood up. Thor looked embarrassed while he rubbed his neck. He cared about Y/N and he only wanted the best for her.
"How is he by the way?" Steve added and looked at Bruce.
"According to the data I got from Jarvis, he should be fine." Bruce replied.

"Well, you're gonna be able to check that out by yourself since we're already here." Nat said then as she started the landing.

The team climbed out of the jet and went down to the common room by the elevator.
"Kid?" Tony called for Y/N as they entered into the room. Nat walked next to him, her eyes wandering around the room as well.
"Where is she?" she asked and Tony shrugged in reply.

"Probably in her room, or the medical?" Steve suggested as he started to wonder too. Loki and Thor looked at each other and there was that certain concern in their eyes. Like they had already started to expect something.
"Well, I'm heading there now, I'll let you know if she's there." Bruce told them and started to walk towards the stairs.

But then, right out of nowhere, someone jumped behind the corner and attacked Bruce.

"Y/N?!!" Nat shouted.

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