chapter two

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"Oh did I remember to mention you that Peter had came back?" Tony said suddenly while you were eating in dining room with Clint, Thor and Nat.
Others had got already back to their duties after they had been convinced that you were perfectly alright and you had also managed to convince Thor to not apologize for his brother's actions every other minute.

You almost spat your juice out of your mouth as you heard your father's words.

"No, you didn't." you grumbled and tried hard not to suffocate in your juice.
"Oh well, now I did." he said innocently and took a bite of his bread. You stood up quickly and almost threw your glass into the sink while you were rushing straight to upstairs.
"Where you think you're going?" Tony snarled after you when you had almost got to the elevator.
"I need to see Peter." you said firmly and pressed the button.
"You need to rest, you can meet him later!" your father kept grumbling and would've stood up if Thor hadn't stopped him with his hand.
"Let her go, they haven't seen each other for ages." Thor bid him and sipped his coffee.
"Yes they did, Peter visited her once while she was still unconscious." Tony grumbled. You turned around and scowled.
"He visited me?" you asked, sounding surprised which made Tony look very confused.

"Yes he did kiddo, Peter was pretty worried about you while he was asking what had happened." Tony explained and shoved more bread into his mouth.

You smiled a little.

Maybe he still cared about you and wanted to fix the things between you two.

Then you turned around again and stepped into the elevator before Tony could stop you from going.
He just wanted to make sure you would rest enough since you had just got out of the medical.

You went to Peter's floor and walked straight at his door, but stopped before knocking. You hesitated, should you even try to fix this? What if he still hates you?

fuck those thoughts. You're here to fix this, fix it all.

You knocked on his door, but no one came to open it. You slowly grabbed the door handle and noticed that his door wasn't locked.
You peeked in and looked around you.

You saw all of his boxes full of his stuff all around his room and some of them were already unpacked on the floor.

He really was here.

"Peter..?" you said as you were looking for him.

Then someone you wouldn't have wanted to see came out from Peter's bedroom.
"Y/N." MJ said as she saw you. She had one of Peter's boxes in her hands.
"MJ... what are you doing here?" you stuttered. She rolled her eyes in reply, like you had just asked the most dumb question in the world.
"Helping Peter to move in." she replied firmly. MJ didn't seem to be pleased to see you again.
"Oh, is he..." you started but then heard someone coming from his bathroom.

"MJ honey, you can put that box down on the floor." Peter's voice came behind the corner, and soon you noticed him appearing next to MJ and kissing her cheek.


Kissing her cheek?!

"Peter?!" you said, you were extremely stunned. Peter turned around and as he saw you, he became speechless and he stared at you, looking very surprised.
"Y/N, you're.. healed!" he stuttered, still being very very surprised of your presence. He hadn't expected you to get out of the medical this soon.

"Yes I am.." you grumbled, trying hard to not let your tears fall down. Peter gave a look at MJ, who was trying hard not to smile and then he turned back at you.
"I can expla..."

"No, you don't need to." you grumbled and turned around and left his room with banging his door behind you.
You didn't need to listen his explanations, you knew damn well what had happened.


You collapsed on your couch and let your tears fall down on your cheeks.

How could you be that stupid to think he would ever want you back after all those things you had done?
He had chosen MJ over you, and you always had knew he would do that someday in the future. You just hadn't wanted to admit it to yourself before.

After few minutes, you heard someone knocking on your door and entering in.

You lifted your teary eyes up to look at the coming person, and of course it was Peter. You quickly dried your eyes as he sat down on the couch next to you.
"I think we should talk, Y/N." he said softly. You looked down at your toes and nodded in reply.
"I'm sorry it turned out this way, I was meant to tell you. But I didn't know you were awake already." he said.
You just sat there quietly, avoiding the eye contact.
"But we both knew our relationship would've fell apart anyway after the... thing you did with Loki." he mumbled.

"You really think it that way?" you said and lifted your head up again. "That just one meaningless kiss would had teared our relationship apart?"

Peter sighed heavily and nodded determinedly.
"I can't stand cheating Y/N." he replied firmly, he didn't have his sparkling puppy dog eyes looking at you the same way as before and his sweet and soft voice wasn't talking to you anymore.

You huffed a little offended by his words.
"I just caught you from cheating and that's what you say?!" you grumbled.
"It wasn't cheating, we had basically broke up already." he replied, not understanding how that was offending to you.
"You should've had told me that and not just disappear for weeks." you murmured and looked down at the floor again.

"I'm sorry for that, but I really hope you understand my situation in this as well. I really got upset about you and Loki, you should know that." he said and stood up. You didn't want to reply anything so you just kept looking down at the floor.
"I'm sorry Y/N." he said softly, still trying to reach your eyes.
"Me too." you mumbled, trying to hide the hurt tone in your voice. Peter nodded carefully and then took slowly few steps further and turned around to head back out from your room.

"I'm glad you survived, by the way." Peter said when he had reached your door.
"Thanks.." you said and showed him a little of your fake smile as he closed the door behind him.

After he had vanished from your sight, you broke into tears again.

Why your life wasn't working the way it should be?


Later in the evening, after you had turned everyone around who tried to get in (your mother and Morgan), someone knocked on your door again.

"Go away." you grumbled while you were still sitting on your couch.
"Hey it's me, let me come in." Clint greeted, sounding very concerned about you.
You didn't have time to reply when he had already opened the door and walked inside.

"Heyy, what's wrong little sister?" he asked, with sound of love and concern in his voice. He sat down next to you and grabbed you into his arms.
"I heard you had locked yourself up in here, I wanted to check if everything was alright. But apparently it's not." he added when he had noticed that you weren't feeling very well.
"Me and.. Peter. We broke up." you stuttered, trying to hold your tears back again.
Clint seemed to be stunned as he tightened his grip around you.

"I'm so sorry, what happened?" he asked as he ran his fingers through your hair.
"He is with MJ now." you mumbled, pressing your head against his chest even harder.
"What?" Clint growled.

/Oh I'm gonna kill that bastard./ he thought afterwards.

"No please don't." you bid him. Clint loosened his grip around you and turned to look at you.
"And you stay out of my mind, as promised." he ordered firmly. "But are you sure? I can sure give him a little life lesson." he added and grinned.

"Clint, this isn't a joke." you grumbled and sat back up from his arms. Clint's smirk on his face disappeared and he started to smile gently.
"I know, and I'm so sorry for you." he apologized and pulled you into another hug.

Gosh you had missed your best friend's warm and gentle hugs which always had cheered you up, no matter what.

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