chapter thirty

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You and your father were the last ones who climbed aboard the jet. You were wearing your brand new battle suit your father had made for you. That suit had been that 'important project' he had talked about earlier. And you were really glad that he had finally let you join for the mission. It really felt great.

"Alright take your seats, we're leaving." Nat ordered you as she tried to shoo Clint away from the seat while Clint tried to protest that it was his turn to fly the jet.

You sat down next to Thor while Loki was forced to sit between your father and Steve. You have noticed how badly your father wanted to look after that mischievous god, just in case if he was going to betray the team. But you knew that deep down Tony secretly wanted him to do that so he could send him back to Asgard.

"Nervous, little mind reader?' Thor asked after couple minutes of traveling towards your destination.
"No, why would I be?" you replied little stunned that he had really thought you would be scared.
"Well, it's been awhile since your latest mission and we both know how it went." he replied and gave a quick glance at his brother who tried hard not to smirk.
"Oh yeah that.. don't worry I'll be fine. I have practiced." you convinced him. Thor just huffed in reply, he never admitted that he cared but you knew he did anyways.

Then you looked away and your eyes attached with Loki's immediately. He smirked a little while your father wasn't watching.

/You okay in there?/ you asked him telepathically. Loki had taught you that skill as the first thing when he had started to teach you how to use your abilities. It was a very useful skill since your both were 'mind readers'.
/I'm fine, if I don't include your father's constant glaring./ Loki replied and you tried to keep your smile under control.
/And that new suit suits you well, darling./ he added then as he glanced at your armor. You smiled and tried hard not to blush.

But then you needed to look away quickly as your father turned to glare at Loki again.


"Alright Cap, we're here." Clint announced as he landed on the battle field after he had convinced Nat to let him fly the other half of the way there.
And you all stood up from your seats and looked outside.

"What the hell are those?" Tony snarled as he saw the field full of some kind of aliens.

"I don't know, but one thing I know for sure. We need to kill those things and shut down that portal." Cap replied dryly. "And this is the plan: Clint, Nat and Y/N, you go there and try to kill them as many as possible. Thor, I need you to find out how to shut that portal and Loki will come with me and Tony. Bruce, you stay here and wait for the possible code green."
Steve had given you his orders and now you all were heading out of the jet on the field. And before you followed Nat and Clint, you made your last eye contact with Loki and wished him good luck.

The battle was hard and you all were already a bit exhausted of killing those things. They were pretty difficult to destroy and you were glad that you had trained a lot with Clint before this.

"Thor, any success?" you heard Steve from your earphone while you stabbed one of the aliens with your dagger and killed it.
"They're using some kind of magic to keep this open, I already tried to shut it but it didn't work." Thor replied, and after you had saved Clint for being pierced by a sword, you looked at the portal and you saw that there was just coming more and more those aliens. And you knew it needed to be shut or this would never stop.

"I may have the ability to shut it brother." you heard then Loki next to you after he had appeared there with Steve following behind.
"But this needs to be taken off." he added then and looked at his wristband.
"Absolutely not." you heard your father through your earphone as he was flying across the field and shooting the aliens.
"Tony, the portal needs to be shut." Nat replied then.
"He's too dangerous." Tony grumbled back and you rolled your eyes.
"Stark, listen to me. We need to shut that portal, there's too many of them and we can't handle them all forever. Just come here, take it off and you can put it back afterwards. Loki had already shown that he might be trustworthy." Steve protested while Loki huffed and rolled his eyes in return.

You could even feel Tony's eye roll as well as he sighed and turned around and flew over to you.

"No tricks, Reindeer Games." he murmured as he opened the wristband. You saw how relieving it was to Loki to get that thing off of his wrist even for once. Then he disappeared as he teleported over to his brother to help him to shut the portal.

"Meanwhile those two are trying to shut that down, we need to keep those things far away from them." Steve ordered then and you all rushed to attack and protect those two asgardian gods.

It took him several minutes to shut it, but finally after a green flash of light the portal was shut and now there was only a couple of aliens left to kill.

"Good work." you heard Steve through your earphone after Thor had announced that the portal was destroyed.

"Y/N look out!" you heard then Clint suddenly and right then you noticed the alien behind you who was trying to stab you with his sword. You managed to dodge it but then another one just appeared on your other side and made a deep cut in your arm.
You squeaked out of pain as you held your arm and tried to dodge another comming attack. And right before the other would have stabbed you, Loki appeared in front of you and killed them both by using his magic.

"Are you okay?" he asked, sounding very concerned after both of the aliens had collapsed on the ground.
"I'm fine.." you groaned as you still held your arm. But just before Loki could have take a better look at it, Thor appeared next to you, looking very concerned as well.
"What happened?" he asked and looked suspiciously at you first and then Loki.

And then the rest of the team also gathered around you after they had killed the last ones left.

"Y/N are you alright?!" Clint panicked as he rushed over to you.
"I'm alright!" you snarled as they all looked very concerned at your arm.
"Let's get to into the jet so Bruce can take a look at your arm." your father told you and then led you and the others back to the jet.


As your way back home you couldn't ignore the fact that Thor was looking constantly at you and then Loki with very suspicious look on his face.
And you really had no idea what he was up to.

Loki had already got his wristband back as soon as Tony had got you safely to Bruce, who was now tying a bandage around your arm to stop the bleeding. You also noticed that Loki couldn't take his eyes off you, he looked very concerned and you knew he wanted to help you badly. But you also knew that he couldn't and you were okay with it. If the team finds out about your relationship, you both would be dead.

Although you were now afraid that Thor might had noticed something. The way he looked at you both after Loki had saved you, was telling you he might had started to doubt something.

But maybe it was nothing? Perhaps you were just worrying for nothing.

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