chapter sixteen

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"Isn't it kind of sad that you're left in here to babysit that little child while that your so called team goes for important tasks without you." Laura teased you while you sat down on the couch in the common room.
"What do you care." you grumbled and handed the remote control over to your sister.
"I don't, I actually think it's quite pathetic. I really thought you were part of the team, but looks like you aren't after all. It doesn't surprise me though, I mean, you're crazy and everything." she snarled and leaned against the couch.

You tried your best to ignore her words, you weren't going to show the anger she always managed to wake inside you while your sister were around. You didn't want to teach her those kind of ugly things while she was still just a cute innocent little girl.

Then Laura rolled her eyes at you and she gave up. "Anyway, you can stay here and play that little home of yours. I'm going at my friends for this night." she grumbled. Laura tried her best to annoy you since she knew you didn't own much of friends.
"I thought you were supposed to stay here." you murmured without taking your eyes off the tv.
"I don't really need to follow other's rules, I make my own." she said arrogantly while you rolled your eyes.
"Of course you do." you said under your breath as she walked into the elevator and disappeared.

"Why was that girl so mean to you? Doesn't it bother you?" Morgan asked innocently. You smiled a little and stroked her hair.
"She's just joking around, it's a big girl stuff." you tried to explain and convince her that you were perfectly fine with it and she doesn't have to worry about it.


Later on the evening, you were reading a book to Morgan who was happily enjoying some pancakes you had cooked for her earlier. You had been very glad that Laura had left, you hated her so much and you never wouldn't want her to get too close to your little sister.

She was still so innocent.

"What was that?" Morgan asked suddenly and interrupted your reading. You laid your book on your lap and looked around you.
"What?" you asked. You hadn't heard or seen anything.
"It sounded like someone got into the elevator." Morgan said and pointed her thumb towards it. And she had been right, someone was coming by the elevator and they were heading to your floor.
"Maybe Laura is coming back." you huffed and shrugged. You couldn't think of anyone else since every single member of the team was somewhere else doing their duties and they wouldn't come back until midnight.

Then the door slid open and for your surprise, there wasn't Laura, but that tall black haired god, Loki. He was alone as he walked in with smile on his face after he had seen you. Morgan look pretty excited too when she saw him.
"I thought you were supposed to be in Asgard." you said as he walked over you and sat down on the other side of Morgan.
"But I am." he replied mischievously with smirk on his face and you frowned in confusion. "I sent an illusion with my brother to Asgard." he explained then, being little amused while he looked at your confused face.

"But I thought you wouldn't be able to use your magic with that wristband around your wrist." you replied. Loki smirked mischievously again and laughed.
"Thor might had helped me to fix this thing a little so I could use even a bit of my magic." he grinned and you couldn't help smiling at that. They were both such an oafs.

"What's an illusion?" Morgan interrupted you and looked up at Loki.
"It's like a magic trick little one." Loki replied. Morgan chuckled and Loki raised his eyebrows in amuse.
"Magic isn't real!" she replied and grinned at Loki who looked offended in good way.
"You really don't seem to believe anything I tell you, don't you little one?" he said then and leaned a bit forwards and attached his eyes with your sister. Morgan shook her head in reply.
"But you're sister can do some magic by herself too, what is the difference?" Loki asked as you tried to shut his mouth by giving him signals to cut it off. But of course he hadn't got that.
"Don't be silly! My sister can't do magic!" Morgan exclaimed and grabbed another pancake from the plate on the table. Loki looked up at you and you gave him the sign to be silent.
"You hadn't told her?" you read on Loki's lips. You shook your head in reply and Loki frowned in confusion. He hadn't knew that your sister had no idea of your powers. Although you didn't either, you had learned about your ability a many years ago and still had know idea where it had came from.

"Can you keep reading? I'm bored." Morgan snarled then, breaking yours and Loki's soundless talking.
"Oh of course." you replied after you had got your attention back to your sister.
"No not you! Loki!" Morgan protested and grabbed the book from your hands and handed it to Loki, who looked surprised. You smirked at his stunned face as he looked at Morgan.
"You should do as she says, she's tougher than she looks." you teased him and Loki gave you an eyeroll in return.

Then he started to read to Morgan who listened him entranced. You couldn't ignore his pleasant voice either though, there were something very entrancing in his voice and you had only noticed it now.


"What is it doing?" Loki said as Morgan had collapsed on his lap when she had suddenly fallen asleep.
"She." you corrected as you stood up and picked Morgan up on your arms from his lap.
"And she fell asleep, I'm going to carry her on her bed now." you replied and reached for the book in Loki's hand. He handed it to you and grabbed your hand gently at the same time.
"I would like you to come back after you had done that. I think we should talk." he bid you gently and then let go of your hand. You nodded and smiled a little in reply and then headed to Morgan's room to take her into her bed.

You carried Morgan into her bedroom and laid her gently on the bed. She opened her eyes a little as you covered her with blanket.
"Do you like Loki?" she asked with her cute sleepy voice. You chuckled as you ran your fingers through her hair.
"Where did you get that thought from?" you asked softly while you kept stroking her hair.
"I see the way you look at him." she said even more sleepy. You chuckled in amuse.
"Silly girl. Now, go to sleep." you bid her and stood up. Morgan smiled and closed her eyes as you walked away.
"At least he likes you." you heard Morgan's soft voice behind you as you closed the door.

You walked back to the common room where Loki was still waiting for you on the same spot where he had been earlier. You walked over to him and sat down next to him as his eyes attached on yours.
"She's sleeping now?" he asked and leaned on his arm which was lying on the backrest.
"Yeah." you sighed as you looked into his emerald green eyes. Then Loki looked at you for a second too and then opened his mouth to speak.

"I really would like to know what changed your mind?" he started, going straight to the point, which had been predictable. He usually didn't hesitate or hold back anything.
You looked embarrassed and moved your eyes down on your lap. You really didn't know how to respond.
You felt how Loki realized something as it caused him to smirk.
"Don't you tell me, love, that you were jealous of me?" he said seductively as he tried to reach your eyes. You didn't want to admit it so you just stared at your hands without saying anything. Then Loki moved his hand and lifted your chin up with his finger and made you to look at him.
"You don't need to be ashamed." he bid you gently but mischievously. He looked quite pleased and flattered that you had felt that way.
"I'm not." you blurted and moved his hand away from your chin and Loki laid his arm back on the backrest.

"So, you do have feelings for me?" he asked then and moved his hand slowly closer to you and laid his fingers on you shoulder and started to draw circles.
You looked down at your lap again, you hadn't been prepared to finally admit it. Not even to yourself. But it was the inevitable evil.

And you weren't only scared of admitting it, but also scared that Loki wouldn't feel the same way anymore, or then this all had been only a game to him and now he had finally won.

"Would it be that bad?" you mumbled and lifted your head back up to see his reaction. Loki looked a bit stunned and then his smirk disappeared as he looked kind of offended by your words.
"So you're still afraid that I am just playing games?" he said like he had almost read your thoughts. You looked away from him, avoiding his eyes and tried your best not to show him that he might have been right.

But then you felt his finger under you chin again as he inched closer to you and turned your head at him.
"Love, I would never hurt you that way." he told you gently as he looked deep into your eyes. Then he leaned slowly towards and pressed his soft lips against yours and pulled you closer from your back with his arm.

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