chapter ten

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This time the kiss was long and soft, and you had to admit that you might had enjoyed it, just a little bit.

You broke the kiss by pushing yourself further from him.
"Why did you have to do that.." you mumbled and turned around to watch the sunset again.
"To prove you that I really meant what I said." Loki replied firmly, still keeping his eyes at you. "Don't you get it Y/N? I am not trying to trick you." he added. His voice had lost its mischief and there was only that serious, urge to prove something, tone in it.

You sighed heavily. It was time for you to be honest with that god of mischief, which you still hated with your whole heart (right?).

"No, don't you get it? I hate you, you ruined my life." you grumbled, trying to hide the hurt tone in your voice. You didn't want to seem weak in his eyes. Loki smirked a little and shook his head.
"No you don't love." he bid you with that arrogant voice.
"Yes, I, do." you murmured and turned to look at him. Loki didn't even bat an eye when you tried your hardest to be convincing while you glared at him.
"You don't, and I will prove it to you, someday." he replied firmly and confidently.

You huffed as you picked up your laptop from the ground where you had laid it down earlier.
"Just... don't do that again, I don't want you to." you bid him and walked away.

"We'll see about that." you heard his voice behind you as you left him there.

Why on earth he had to do that? Now you were just only more confused about your feelings. All of this had happened just too quickly.


The week went fast as you finished all your school work and argued with your mother about your graduation dress. You didn't want to wear one but your mother had insisted you to.

"Oh my gosh Clint!" you screamed when you stepped out of your bathroom and noticed him standing in front of the door. You had just got out of the shower and had almost dropped your towel.

Clint laughed manically as he had to take a support from the wall.
"Don't you dare to scared me like that ever again!" you growled at him while he was still enjoying that scared look on your face.
"Cmon, it was fun!" he chuckled and stepped aside in front of the mirror so you could brush your hair.

"Hilarious." you blurted and rolled your eyes. The joy vanished from Clint's face as he sat down on your chair.
"Is everything alright? You don't seem like a happy girl who is going to graduate in an hour." Clint asked, sounding a bit of concerned. You looked at him through the mirror.
"I'm fine, I just slept little badly." you explained, trying to avoid telling the whole truth. Ever since you had got back from Asgard, you had started to see those awful nightmares of Hydra and they didn't seem to end. You saw them every single night and they didn't leave you alone for even a second. It almost felt like they were still trying to get you under their control, but that's impossible.


"Well, you'll cheer up when it's our time to celebrate your graduation." Clint grinned and tightened his bow tie. He had dressed up into one of his best suits, and he also had a black bow tie which was really adorable in your eyes.

"You had something in mind, huh?" you asked curiously as you vanished in your bedroom to dress up too. You heard a mischievous laugh from the living room.
"You'll see." Clint said and you could even feel his smirk without seeing it.

After a few minutes, you went back to the living room, dressed up into your light yellow dress which your mother had picked for you. Clint's eyes widened a little when you walked out of your bedroom and your dress met his eyes.
"Wow." he managed to say. You tried hard not to blush and walked over the mirror to check yourself one more time before leaving.

"Who are you and what happened to
Y/N?" Clint teased you. He knew exactly how much you hated to dress up and enjoyed wearing a much more comfortable clothes.
"Stop it." you snarled and poked him gently at his arm.

"Oh right, wait a little." Clint said before you had managed to get over your door. He took something out of his pocket and walked over you.
"I almost forgot to give you this. It's my graduation gift for you." he said and handed you a beautiful silver bracelet which had an arrow in it.

"Wow, it's beautiful. Thank you." you admired it and leaned forwards to give your best friend a hug. Then you let Clint help you to put it around your wrist.

"Alright, we need to go before your father gets too frustrated." Clint bid you after he had noticed the clock. You were already a little late on schedule.


"Wow lady Y/N, you look stunning!" Thor admired your dress as you walked into the common room where the rest of the team were waiting for you, dressed up as well. You smiled at him in return, still trying not to blush too hard.
"Not bad at all kid, your mother had picked you a great dress." Tony admitted.

You looked around you, seeking for Peter.
"Peter went with his aunt for this day, if you were looking for him." your father blurted out. You gave a glare at him for saying that out loud. For some weird reason you were little embarrassed about your break up around others.

"Okay let's get going or we're going to miss the graduation!" Pepper interrupted, guiding all the eyes at her. You all went to the elevetor and headed down.
"Reindeer Games stayed in your room?" Tony asked Thor.
"Yup, he will stay there until we get back." Thor replied firmly. Tony smiled in satisfaction.
"Good, he better not ruin this day." Tony grumbled arrogantly while Thor just rolled his eyes. He really didn't enjoy when Tony kept mocking his brother.


Your graduation went well and you couldn't be happier to finally get out of the school. Your team were all so proud and happy for you, and of course for Peter too. 

You had even managed to congratulate him quickly before leaving the school.

But now your father had thrown a party for you, for your surprise, and you really hated to be a centre of attention. He had invited there even some people you didn't know and it seemed like this party were going to end up as -drunk men party-, like usual.

The attention had finally receded away from you and now you were sitting on the couch by yourself and drinking your soda. Avengers were drinking and having fun with the other guests as you watched them from aside.

"Not having fun little sis?" Clint said as he walked over you.
"Sure." you blurted and glanced at the others who were playing some weird drinking game.
But actually you weren't that pissed after all, now there was no attention attached on you and you could be in peace.
"Alright, as I thought, come with me." Clint said and grabbed your hand. You followed him up to the stairs and straight to the roof.

"I knew you would hate in there so I made you a little something." Clint said, waiting for your reaction as he pointed at his surprise. You couldn't help smiling when you saw what he had made.
There was a blanket with lots of food and a big cake which said 'Congrats to my dearest best friend'. It was so cute and the best surprise you could ever hope for.
"Jeez Clint! You really shouldn't have.." you said surprised and amazed. Clint grinned and led you to sit down while you were still admiring his surprise.

You really had the best friend ever.

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