chapter eight

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The night had fallen and you were heading to your bed after saying good nights to your best friend and little sister. You had managed to avoid Peter the whole day since you had got back. It hadn't been so rough though, Peter had hung out with his new girlfriend the whole day. And you assumed that he didn't even know that Loki were here.


"No!" you screamed as you sat up quickly on your bed. You were covered in cold sweat and you hands were shaking like crazy.

You saw a bad dream,
a bad dream of Hydra.

What a nightmare.

You stood up and rushed into your bathroom. You washed your face with ice cold water and tried to stabilize your breathing.
/It was just a nightmare./ you thought, reminding yourself that it wasn't real. You were in your home, safe.

Since you weren't capable to sleep anymore, you grabbed your book and walked downstairs, heading straight to the kitchen. Maybe some night snack would make you feel better.

You were opening the cabinets and looking for something to eat when you heard some steps behind you.
Soon the book in your hands flew across the room, straight towards the coming person. He caught it right on time before it hit him at his face.
"You usually try to hit people with books?" Loki asked with teasing tone in his voice. He walked over you and smirked, he was amused.
"Apparently I do." you blurted and looked at him apologetically. You had got scared, that nightmare was still digging your mind.

Loki didn't really believe you as he glanced at the book and then you again.
"Is everything alright, darling?" he asked, sounding truly concerned. You rolled your eyes and went back to search some snacks.
"I'm fine, I was just surprised. You should've warned or something." you grumbled and climbed on the table to reach on the shelf. Loki huffed and shook his head in reply.

You were trying to reach the waffles you had noticed on the highest shelf. And just right then when you managed to grab them, you lost your balance and fell down towards the floor.
And next thing you noticed was that Loki had been faster, and you had landed on his arms which were holding you tightly and not letting you drop.
"You really should be more careful Y/N. Are you okay?" he asked gently while he was still holding you. You looked up into his almost emerald green eyes. He was smiling at you kindly, which he usually never does. At least not around the others.

"I'm fine, let me down." you replied firmly and tried to scramble yourself out of his arms. He let you down on your feet, carefully.
"And I'm fine, thanks for your concern." you snarled and picked up the waffles from the floor. Then you placed them into the toaster and threw the package into the bin. Loki sat down quietly on the chair and observed you and your actions from there.

"So tell me, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?" Loki decided to break the silence just right then, when you had got all your waffles made.
"I didn't get sleep." you replied and sat down across from him. Loki smirked and look curiously at you while you started to eat.
"You usually came here for late night snacks if you aren't feeling sleepy?" he teased you. You rolled your eyes as you took a bite from your waffle.
"None of your business.
Why are you awake this late? Isn't Thor waiting for you to cuddle with him?" you teased back. You liked to see how Loki's smirk on his face started slowly fade away.
"I wouldn't ever do such a thing! Disgusting." he snarled in disgust and rolled his eyes at you. You couldn't help laughing when you saw that ridiculous look on his face. Loki smirked, he had got you to laugh.

Then he glanced at your book.
"Are you really reading a 'vampire book'?" Loki murmured after he had read the cover of your book, which was abandoned on the table near you.
"What's wrong with that?" you grumbled and picked it up.
"All the books in the world, vampire books are he the most ridiculous and boring." he snarled and grabbed the book from you to observe it better.
"Then I expect you hadn't read that one." you blurted and shoved more waffles into your mouth. Loki huffed in amuse and settled your book back down on the table.
"And I won't." he grumbled and pushed it aside.
"Your loss." you shrugged and took another bite.

Loki look curious while he watched how you ate and glanced a couple of times at your waffles.
"You want bite, don't you?" you sighed and offered him one. Loki look little embarrassed as he took it from you.
"It looks weird." he huffed while he looked at it.
"Well give it back then if you don't want it." you grumbled and tried to reach it with your hand, but Loki didn't let you take it. He grinned mischievously and then took a bite, but soon the waffle flew out of his mouth as he spat it on his hand.
"Disgusting." he snarled and headed back in the kitchen to threw it away. You tried hard not no laugh at his reaction.
"How can you eat such a thing?" he murmured after he had threw that delicious waffle into bin.

"I think it's good." you shrugged and dropped down back on your feet from your chair.
"You humans are weird creatures." he scowled and you replied with an eye roll.

Next you headed to the little couch nearby and sat down to read your book. Loki followed you there too and jumped on its backrest.
"Don't you have anything better to do? Thor is probably worried about you." you sighed and opened your book. Loki laughed a little in amuse.
"Thor is sleeping, he doesn't miss me. And no, I actually don't have." he shrugged.
"You know, you should be more careful. My father still might be awake, he is a quite workaholic." you replied firmly while you tried to focus on your book.
"Don't worry darling, I'm always prepared." he replied mischievously and it got you to roll your eyes again.

"But.." Loki sighed and stood up on his feet. "If you want to be alone, I'll let you be." he said and you turned to look at him. You nodded in reply, really wanting him to leave. Loki turned around and started to walk away but he clearly had no idea where he was going.
"You don't remember where Thor's room is, don't you?" you sighed and closed your book. Loki rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment as he nodded.

You stood up from the couch and led him into the elevator. You went up on the highest floor and led him to the floor where Thor's room lies.
You stepped in as the door slid open and you immediately glanced at the other door across from Thor's room.

"What is it?" Loki asked and looked towards the door as well. You tried to hide the pain in your voice as you spoke up.
"Nothing, that just happens to be Peter's room." you said like it was nothing. You wanted to get over Peter, and you wanted it to happen as quickly as possible.
"That boyfriend of yours?" Loki asked little disappointed. He seemed like he didn't like Peter, even though they hadn't even met yet.
"Ex-boyfriend." you grumbled and led Loki at Thor's door,
you also couldn't ignore the look on Loki's face after you had said it. He was smirking mischievously, trying to hide it from you of course.

You heard Thor's loud snoring through the door and it was kind of relieving to notice that he was still sleeping.
"Well, I guess you don't need me no longer." you blurted and turned around to head back into your room.
Loki stood there, looking after you as you walked inside the elevator.
"Good night, lady Y/N." Loki said annoyingly politely with smile on his lips. You nodded back with awkward smile just right before the door closed.

What a night.

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