author's note

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Thank you for reading this story and keeping up with it for so long. This whole story had got way more reads than I had ever expected and I'm more than grateful for you all. <3

However, this story has now reached its end. I hope you're not so disappointed how the story turned out and I hope you really enjoyed it.
I don't know if this story will get more sequel parts in future (or something like that), but for now on, this will be the end of this storyline.

And now, I would really like to get some feedback from you, readers. Thoughts, ideas, everything is welcomed.

Constructive criticism is also welcomed as usual. :)

Thank you very much xx


Also wanted to announce that I will now get back to publishing new chapters to my story: Earned Trust
It had been on a break for awhile since I realized it was too hard for me to update two stories at the same time.

So if you're interested, go check that story out and there you will be seeing me for now on.

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