chapter seventeen

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That soft kiss had turned quickly to the point were you two were making out and now, Loki had pushed you on your back and climbed over you.

He was gentle and careful as he grabbed your waist and pulled you into very long and passionate kiss at the same time.

But then, all sudden you had to push him away from on top of you as you heard that awful sound of the elevator from downstairs and also lot of footsteps coming to its way. You gave a quick look at the clock on the wall and it was almost midnight.
"Shit, they're coming!" you panicked as you looked at Loki who didn't seem to be that calm either.

You tried to think fast as you looked around you. If your father catches you now, you're going experience a painful death.

You grabbed Loki's hand quickly and led him into stairs since the team was almost on your floor. You two ran like hell, up the stairs to your floor while you heard the team gathering into the common room. You had got out just right on time and next you could sigh in relief, but only then when you are safely in somewhere hidden from others.

You opened your door and pulled him inside and closed the door quickly but without making any sound. You pressed your ear against the door just to make sure that no one hadn't heard or noticed you.
"Relax darling, there's no way they would had possibly noticed us." Loki bid you. You turned at him and realized only then that you had actually just brought Loki into your room.
He walked over to you and placed his hand on you cheek and smiled softly. You looked up into his eyes and laid your hands on his shoulders and then wrapped them around his neck as he leaned down to kiss you. He pushed you confidently but gently against the door as you two continued where you had got interrupted earlier.


You were drawing circles on Loki's bare torso as you two were lying on your bed, you in Loki's arms.

Loki smiled and sneered and it caused you to look up at him.
"What?" you huffed as he laid his eyes on you.
"Nothing.. I just remembered how you once threatened to kill me." he chuckled as he ran his fingers through your hair.
"Well, it didn't go as planned. But if I remember right, you had done the same thing on the first day we met." you huffed in amuse and it earned a laugh from Loki. But then you saw how the joy disappeared from his eyes as he looked away.
"I'm really sorry about it Y/N, you know that right?" he said and laid his eyes on you again. He regretted badly the events during the New York's attack and before it.

"I do now." you replied and even gave him a little soft smile. You had started to soften around that trickster god who had brutally stolen your heart.

"But if I hadn't kidnapped you though, I never would've ended up in here." he came back with his teasing and you had to roll your eyes at him. You turned around to see him better and he looked kind of concerned as your face had switched from joy to concern.
"Okay-" you started, drawing his attention on you. "If we're really going to do this, we gotta have some rules."

Loki sighed in boredom, he didn't like rules at all and you knew how terribly badly he followed them.

"First of all, we can't let anyone know. As you should know, my father and probably everyone else in this team would kill us if they knew." you told him firmly. Loki tried hard not to smile at your serious and concerned face. And you had to slap him gently on his arm to get his full attention back.
"And secondly, we have to pretend like we hate each other while we're with the team because they think we do." you bid him.
"Wait, I never hated you darling? Did you hate me?!" Loki kept teasing you and you rolled your eyes again. He didn't take you seriously.
"Please Loki, can you try to take me seriously now so even something could work once in your life." you snarled, and Loki sat up and smiled softly at you.
"I would do anything for this to get it work. I finally got you, and I'm not gonna loose you pretty easily." he replied while you tried your best not to blush.
"Well, that sounded like you had just kidnapped me again." you teased him back and it made Loki to shook his head in amuse.

"But seriously Loki, this game is very dangerous to play. We need to be careful, don't let me regret this." you added. Now when you had finally admitted your feelings to yourself and had let Loki close to you, you didn't want it to end up like your and Peter's relationship. And most hardest 'rule' you had to hold on tightly was going to be the one where you had to keep this as a secret from your father and it wouldn't be easy. You would definitely die if he finds out. You knew it and Loki had already learned it pretty well, even though it really didn't seem like it all the time.

"I won't love." he replied and leaned forwards to give you a kiss to prove his 'innocent' intentions.


You woke up in the morning and noticed soon that Loki had disappeared. You looked around you but he wasn't in your bedroom anymore. But maybe that was just a good thing. If he had understood to leave early, you wouldn't get caught.

You stood up and walked to your closet and grabbed a big t-shirt which covered your thighs just enough so you wouldn't have to use your pants. You would take a shower soon anyway so who really cares if you were wearing them or not.

You walked out of the bedroom and almost fell on your ass as you saw Loki standing in front of your table, holding your necklace in his hands. You hadn't expected him to be there anymore.

"You had taken this off." he said without taking his eyes off the necklace. You rubbed your neck and walked over to him. Loki seemed to be confused and bit of offended that you weren't wearing his gift anymore.
"I-" you wanted to explain it but the words had stuck in your throat. You felt embarrassed for your hot-headed actions.
"I didn't know you really felt that way Y/N." he said and finally looked up at you. Looked like Loki had understood what had happened without you needing to explain it.
"Maybe you can't read me like an open book after all." you tried to ease the tension between you two. Loki gave a laugh and it seemed to make him more relaxed.

"I would like to make one rule too darling." Loki said then as he was placing the necklace back around your neck.
"And what is it?" you asked curiously and let your hair down as he had got the necklace back on your neck.
"You have to let me help you with those nightmares of yours." he bid you. You sighed heavily and shook your head in return. You didn't want anyone's help and besides, you hadn't even seen those nightmares anymore for couple of days.
"I don't need help, I haven't even seen those for days!" you protested and Loki rolled his eyes at that. He wanted his own rule too and he wasn't going to give up.
"Maybe, but they might as well come back anytime they like, unless you let me help you." Loki replied firmly. He crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows while he waited your answer.
"But just might." you kept protesting. Neither one of you wouldn't easily gave up because you both were helplessly stubborns.

You saw on Loki's face how he tried to figure out something, like all different kind of options were right now running through his mind while he tried to find the proper solution.

"What about a compromise?" he suggested then. You raised your eyebrow and let him to go on with his thought.
"You'll let me help you when the nightmares are back, and I will teach you too how to use that mind controlling ability of yours." he offered.
And after you had given a thought for it, you had to admit that it sounded like a good plan. Even though you didn't want help, you still would like to know more about those abilities of yours and Loki wouldn't give them to you if you won't let him help. Besides your nightmares were gone already and you wouldn't need his help.

"Alright, maybe we do have a deal. But only if they come back." you clarified and Loki nodded as a sign of an accept.

The god was pleased.

And then he grabbed you by your waist and his strong arms pulled you against his chest. And then he placed his lips on yours.

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