chapter nineteen

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Later in the evening after you had enjoyed of your pizzas and you had listened enough those Laura's lies, you were heading up on the roof. Loki had asked you there earlier today by giving you a note while others hadn't been watching.

You decided to take the stairs so your father wouldn't notice it since he was probably still working in his lab with Bruce.
You walked them up and almost ran straight at Laura, who was heading down with her purse hanging from her shoulder and her face full of make up. She was probably going out with her friends again.
"Watch it crazy." she murmured as he had managed to dodge you. You just rolled your eyes in reply and kept walking.
"Going to meet that boyfriend of yours?" she said then after you, and now you had a reason to stop and hear what she wanted this time.
"I don't have any boyfriend." you replied dryly and turned around to face her. Laura smirked evily as she crossed her arms.
"Well you got something right even once. He's not, and you know why? Because he will be mine." she smiled arrogantly and then just casually walked away. She loved to leave you hanging like that.

"Asshole." you murmured and turned around too. Her words hadn't got you this time, you had nothing to worry about.



You appeared on the roof but for your surprise, Loki wasn't there yet, so you decided to walk over to the edge and lean against it and wait until Loki would come. You looked up on the sky and noticed how beautiful it was, sun was setting down and the stars were already trying to shine brightly above it. And as you were admiring the view you felt suddenly pair of arms wrapping around you and a cold chest leaning against your back.
"You came." Loki said into your ear while you kept your eyes at the sky. You tried not to smirk as you placed your hands carefully on his arms and detached them from your waist. Loki let go of you and came next to you to admire the view too. But instead of looking up on the sky, he laid his eyes on you, and he had that concerned but also a bit of seductive look on his face.

"Everything alright darling?" he asked and you turned around to look at him as you spoke up.
"I'm fine, I'm just little tired." you lied, again. You didn't want to tell him about Laura and made him think that you were pathetic and weak if you believed her every single word.
"You sure?" he asked and placed his hand gently on yours while he looked at you with his gorgeous green eyes. You rolled you eyes and smiled in return.
"Yes I am, since when you had started to soften that badly?" you teased him instead and tried to make him forget his worrying. Loki laughed and tightened his grip around your hand.
"This is your fault you know it?" he teased back with smirk on his lips.
"My fault? That you had got little soft?" you chuckled and rolled your eyes. Loki grinned and pulled himself closer to you and wrapped his arms around your waist.
"You've made a soft spot in me, darling." he whispered into your ear and your
skin got some goosebumps from that very seductive voice of his.

"But don't tell anyone or I will hear about it from my brother for the rest of my life." he added and it earned a laugh from you. Then he pressed his lips gently on yours and pulled you even closer.


In the next morning you walked out of your room to meet your best friend, who you had promised to spent the whole day with since it had been a long time since you two had hung out.
Loki was also just coming out of his room and you assumed that he was going to get some breakfast. He smiled mischievously while he came over to you and pulled you quickly into a passionate kiss. But you had to broke it as fast as you had got into it and you pushed him and little further from you.
"Don't do that, or do you want to die in the hands of an angry father?" you murmured while you were waiting for the elevator. Loki laughed in return and was clearly enjoying your concerned looking face.
"Don't ruin the fun love, risks just make this a lot more interesting." he bid you.
"Yeah right." you huffed and poked him playfully at his arm. Then you two walked inside to the elevator and headed down towards the kitchen.

"Here you are finally! What took you so long?" Clint whined as you stepped in while he was waiting you impatiently in the kitchen. Then Loki showed up from the elevator too and that awful smirk of his appeared on Clint's lips again.
"Oh, so that's why." he teased and you rolled your eyes while Loki looked helplessly confused.

"Are we leaving or not?" you changed the subject as you noticed your father coming up the stairs with Thor by his side and Sam and his niece Laura coming from behind.
"Leaving where exactly?" Tony asked with that threatening tone in his voice as he walked over to you.
"We are just going out and buy some stuff." you replied dryly and Clint nodded in agreement.
"You two? Alone?" Tony clarified and glared at Loki who was making some tea for himself.
"Yes, just us." Clint replied after he had seen your frustrated face. Your father nodded and was pleased that you would actually be a far away from Loki.

Then you gave a look at Loki who looked just a little bit jealous while you were heading to the elevator with Clint. But that look on his face didn't stay for long until Laura appeared on his side and started to talk to him. You hid your jealous feelings beneath your skin and walked away with Clint. You couldn't show any interest towards Loki while your father and the rest of the team were around.


After you had got some snacks with Clint, you were walking together through the streets and heading to a bookstore. Clint hadn't been so excited about it but you had forced him to come with you since you were missing a one book you really needed.

"So, do you have anything to tell me little sis?" Clint asked suddenly, breaking the silence between you two. You looked at him weirdly and raised your eyebrow.
"No? Why would you think that?" you replied in confusion, but that look on Clint's face told you that he didn't believe you at all.
"You and Loki? I can see it pretty clearly Y/N, besides you promised not to hide things from me anymore." he said firmly. You wouldn't have wanted to tell him about you and Loki but you also knew that Clint was going to figure it out by himself eventually. And you had promised to not to lie to him anymore though, so maybe you could trust your best friend for even a bit and tell him what was going on.

"Alright, I guess you'll find out anyway. But you have to promise me you will not tell about this to anyone and I mean literally, you can't say a word or I will die." you told him firmly and looked straight into his eyes. Clint looked amused when he nodded and promised to keep
it as a secret.

"Well, I might have something going on with.. you know... Loki." you stuttered and rubbed your neck and waited him to judge you for it.
"Hah! I knew it!" he replied almost too loudly.

"Shut up!" you hissed and poked him at his side.
"I would've ever thought that you would actually fell in love with a guy who had kidnapped you!" Clint teased.
"Just.. don't remind me about that.." you sighed heavily. You didn't blame Loki anymore for his actions since he had clearly been brainwashed back then, but when somebody reminded you of it, it made you uncomfortable.
"Yeah I get it.. it might not be that pleased memory." Clint huffed and pulled you closer to him. His arm was wrapped around your shoulders and he smiled softly to you.
"But who am I to judge? Besides I think you two would make a very cute couple, even better than you and that... Peter." Clint said as he scowled. He hadn't forgiven Peter after you two had broke up, and you didn't blame him for that. But it still felt little bad since you had messed up your relationship with Peter first.

"Hah, you think?" you laughed ironically and led him inside the store.
"Well, both of you are little stubborn and have also the ability to cause some trouble, so why the hell not." he replied innocently and it earned laughs from you.

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