chapter nine

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You got some sleep for few hours after you had got back into your room. And it was actually pretty relieving since you were going to have your first school day after those past couple of weeks.


You packed your backpack and dressed up. You walked out of your room and decided to visit the kitchen really quick since you were already almost too late.

For your surprise, you saw Thor and Loki, eating their breakfast as you walked in.
"Good morning, how is little mind reader doing?" Thor asked politely while making his sandwich. Loki drew a confused gaze at his brother, he thought that the nickname was a bit of strange and ridiculous.
"I'm fine." you blurted and opened the fridge while Thor glanced at your backpack on the floor.
"Going to school again?" he asked.

You sighed heavily and nodded.
"Yeah, father said it was about a time to get back in already. But luckily I'm going to graduate in week so it's fine." you replied, being very happy and relieved that your school was going to end soon.
"That's amazing Y/N! You're going to be a full time avenger!" Thor was delighted for your news. He had always been excited for the day you would drop the school and join the team to their missions.

"What is a 'graduate'?" Loki asked suddenly. He had dropped out of theconversation already from the very start.
"When humans end their school, they 'graduate' and celebrate it." Thor tried to explain it as good as he can. He had learned your habits pretty well, but he still had his difficulties with understanding and remembering them.
"That's absurd." Loki grumbled and sipped his tea. You rolled your eyes and packed your breakfast into your backpack.

"Anyway, I need to go now. I'm already late." you sighed and threw your bag on your shoulder.
"See ya later!" Thor said his goodbyes as you walked away. You waved to him before you disappeared into the stairs.


Your schoolday went how it usually did. Class after class, without forgetting that stupid Wilson girl who once again tried to bully you with her 'crazy' - nickname. Sometimes you really just wanted to punch her straight into her face, but after what happened last time you had 'attacked' on her, you had got in trouble. And you really didn't want to get grounded for another two more weeks anymore.

Also, you had seen Peter walking on the corridors with MJ. And of course they were holding hands and being so cute together when you had passed them. It was kind of awkward but somehow, you had managed to ignore it and just walk away without letting it affect you too much.

"Hey kid!" Tony greeted you as you walked out of the school. He was standing there in front of his car and waving at you.
"What are you doing here?" you asked, acting very dumb.
"Picking you up from the school of course." he huffed.
"Seriously, no one is going to kidnap me. You don't need to start to pick me up every day, besides I have only one week school left!" you snarled. You didn't want go back to the phase where you were babysitted around the clock.

Just then when you had got your normal life back together.

"We can't know it for sure. And do I really have to remind you who is living with us for now on?" Tony grumbled. He was still pissed that Loki had moved in his tower and now you all had to live along with a god who had kidnapped you.

"Cmon dad! You know he was brainwashed!" you grumbled back. You actually had no idea why you stood up for Loki.
"I'm not going to believe it even for a second, ever. And why are you even defending him? He kidnapped and tortured you!" Tony murmured. You went silent while you looked at him into his eyes. You had no idea what to answer. You still were so messed up about your feelings with Loki, you really had no damn idea what was going on.

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